Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

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Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

Stéphane Rollandin

For those interested, I have made available a first draft of Bibi (a
port of BYOB 3.1, based on Scratch) loading and working on Squeak 4.4 at
this address:

It still has some rough edges and performance issues but is mostly
usable; you should be able to load any Scratch or BYOB project and save
them back, although in an upgraded and thus incompatible format.

Bugs are to be expected...


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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak


On 19-02-2013, at 12:10 PM, Stéphane Rollandin <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> For those interested, I have made available a first draft of Bibi (a port of BYOB 3.1, based on Scratch) loading and working on Squeak 4.4 at this address:

An excellent start at an interesting project. I'm pretty certain there is a *lot* of performance to squeeze out of Scratch generally. One thing I've been doing to get a grip of what effects my attempts on the Pi have been causing is to remove the interCycleDelay. For some project I see the frameratemorph claiming 300fps (yes, even on the Pi) and for some 1fps.

One thing you'll want to fix soon is the File menu being able to escape from fill-the-screen mode so you can easily get to the world menu to open things like the frameratemorph. I just caused a debugger to get to somewhere I could type. Interestingly on my 3GHz iMac running on the cog vm I could only get 38fps for a benchmark that simply swaps between two 480*360 backgrounds, so there's clearly something spending a lot of time buried in there. Plain old Scratch seems to be able to do about 70fps on the older interpreter VM.
On my Pi, plain Scratch does 14fps but bibi is only doing 2. Not complaining - just hopefully useful comparison for you.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Oxymorons: Good grief

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

Stéphane Rollandin
Thanks for the feedback ! I'll have a look at all this...

Another possible cause of slowdown would be Fractions appearing where
not expected, since in Squeak 2.8 Integer>>#/ never returns a Fraction;
I have to check this out.


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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak


On 20-02-2013, at 12:26 PM, Stéphane Rollandin <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback ! I'll have a look at all this...
> Another possible cause of slowdown would be Fractions appearing where not expected, since in Squeak 2.8 Integer>>#/ never returns a Fraction; I have to check this out.

Hmm, interesting idea. It could waste some time, certainly.

FIrst suspect has to be stuff added to the step code that hasn't been carefully thought about for speed. Too many people just assume a faster machine will come along Real Soon Now and solve the problem for them. Ain't gonna happen any more. Single core performance has hardly changed for several years, multi-core performance is blocked by memory performance and cost per transistor is flat.

I propose that everybody buys as Raspberry Pi to run their code on and at least tries to improve it for performance once in a while. For $35 it's a really cheap software development tool.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Thesaurus: Ancient reptile with a truly extensive vocabulary

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

Bob Arning-2
In reply to this post by Stéphane Rollandin
Never? My 2.8 image has

/ aNumber
    "Refer to the comment in Number / "
    | quoRem |
    aNumber isInteger ifTrue:
        [quoRem _ self digitDiv: aNumber abs    "*****I've added abs here*****"
                        neg: self negative ~~ aNumber negative.
        (quoRem at: 2) = 0
            ifTrue: [^ (quoRem at: 1) normalize]
            ifFalse: [^ (Fraction numerator: self denominator: aNumber) reduced]].
    ^ aNumber adaptToInteger: self andSend: #/

which will return a fraction if needed.


On 2/20/13 3:26 PM, Stéphane Rollandin wrote:
since in Squeak 2.8 Integer>>#/ never returns a Fraction;

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

Stéphane Rollandin
Ah, ok, then it has just been changed in the Scratch image (more exactly
the BYOB 1.3 image I'm working from, I don't know about Scratch per se),
were the implementation is:

/ aNumber
  "Refer to the comment in Number / "

  | quoRem |
  aNumber isInteger ifTrue:
    [quoRem _ self digitDiv: aNumber abs "*****I've added abs here*****"
                  neg: self negative ~~ aNumber negative.
    (quoRem at: 2) = 0
        ifTrue: [^ (quoRem at: 1) normalize]
        ifFalse: [^ self asFloat / aNumber]].
  ^ aNumber adaptToInteger: self andSend: #/


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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

J. Vuletich (mail lists)
In reply to this post by timrowledge
Hi Tim,

What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?

I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec,  
180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.

 From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog,  
6.2Msends/sec, 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here.  
Sometimes I also run it on a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that brings  
performance down to XO levels.

Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find code  
that really deserved some optimization. The result is that, even if it  
looks cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?

Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment on  
the experience?

BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to trade  
looks for responsiveness.

Juan Vuletich

Quoting tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>:


> FIrst suspect has to be stuff added to the step code that hasn't  
> been carefully thought about for speed. Too many people just assume  
> a faster machine will come along Real Soon Now and solve the problem  
> for them. Ain't gonna happen any more. Single core performance has  
> hardly changed for several years, multi-core performance is blocked  
> by memory performance and cost per transistor is flat.
> I propose that everybody buys as Raspberry Pi to run their code on  
> and at least tries to improve it for performance once in a while.  
> For $35 it's a really cheap software development tool.
> tim
> --

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak


On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?

My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s

> I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec, 180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.
> From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog, 6.2Msends/sec, 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here. Sometimes I also run it on a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that brings performance down to XO levels.
> Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find code that really deserved some optimization. The result is that, even if it looks cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?

Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having a machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and enjoy a *really fun* operating system as well.

> Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment on the experience?
It is certainly a good approach; even on the Pi it is bearable. I'm doing some work on how to boost the bitBLT performance right now (which is not so hot) and that would make a big difference. Eventually I hope to get the Cog vm working on it as well.
But the real key is always better written systems code. Morphic has always seemed to have horrible scaling issues - with one window open it can be ok, open a dozen and     it    gri    nds   to          a      h h     aa    l     t.
A long time ago Andreas made a benchmark that timed opening a couple of dozen browsers and it was possible even on a fast machine (of the day, so say 25% of the fast machines now) to see how the last few took so much longer. If anyone can fix that problem life would be a lot better. By contrast, open an MVC project and use a couple of dozen browsers. No performance problem there...

> BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to trade looks for responsiveness.

That does help a little. It does still take a good 1sec+ top open the workspace text editing menu and at least 5 sec to open a browser.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Strange OpCodes: ARG: Agree to Run Garbage

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Raspberry Pi Performance (was: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak)

Bert Freudenberg

On 23.02.2013, at 19:24, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s

Under Linux, using the pre-installed Squeak VM and the Cuis image, I get 35 Mbytecodes/s and 1.0 Msends/s.

Guess the Linux VM could use some of your ARM-Fu?

>> I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec, 180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.
>> From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog, 6.2Msends/sec, 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here. Sometimes I also run it on a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that brings performance down to XO levels.
>> Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find code that really deserved some optimization. The result is that, even if it looks cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?
> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having a machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and enjoy a *really fun* operating system as well.

I'll stick to Linux for the time being :)

>> Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment on the experience?
> It is certainly a good approach; even on the Pi it is bearable. I'm doing some work on how to boost the bitBLT performance right now (which is not so hot) and that would make a big difference. Eventually I hope to get the Cog vm working on it as well.
> But the real key is always better written systems code. Morphic has always seemed to have horrible scaling issues - with one window open it can be ok, open a dozen and     it    gri    nds   to          a      h h     aa    l     t.
> A long time ago Andreas made a benchmark that timed opening a couple of dozen browsers and it was possible even on a fast machine (of the day, so say 25% of the fast machines now) to see how the last few took so much longer. If anyone can fix that problem life would be a lot better. By contrast, open an MVC project and use a couple of dozen browsers. No performance problem there...

Well, under MVC, all windows except the active one are dead. In Morphic they're live.

Which is not to say this couldn't be improved: in the Scratch image, opening a browser is almost instantaneous (Scratch: 0.x secs, Etoys: 3 secs, Squeak: 3 secs, Cuis: 6 secs).

>> BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to trade looks for responsiveness.
> That does help a little. It does still take a good 1sec+ top open the workspace text editing menu and at least 5 sec to open a browser.

Makes no difference AFAICT.

- Bert -

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Re: Raspberry Pi Performance (was: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak)


On 23-02-2013, at 11:01 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 23.02.2013, at 19:24, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
>> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s
> Under Linux, using the pre-installed Squeak VM and the Cuis image, I get 35 Mbytecodes/s and 1.0 Msends/s.
> Guess the Linux VM could use some of your ARM-Fu?

Ouch. That's quite a difference.

>> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having a machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and enjoy a *really fun* operating system as well.
> I'll stick to Linux for the time being :)

Ya big wuss. ;-) Virtual memory etc has made you soft.

> Well, under MVC, all windows except the active one are dead. In Morphic they're live.

And maybe part of the problem is that not everything *needs* to be alive all the time. Perhaps simply making appropriate morphs 'go zombie' for a while would improve performance?

> Which is not to say this couldn't be improved: in the Scratch image, opening a browser is almost instantaneous (Scratch: 0.x secs, Etoys: 3 secs, Squeak: 3 secs, Cuis: 6 secs).

True; on the Pi opening a browser in the Scratch image is near instant. Of course, they're absolutely hideously coloured. In fact, long-dead-zombie colour wouldn't be too inaccurate. Anyone interested in improving browser performance in Morphic should play with the Scratch 'source code release' image and try to bring the latest versions up to that same speed.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Oxymorons: Almost exactly

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

J. Vuletich (mail lists)
In reply to this post by timrowledge
Quoting tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>:

> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)"  
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s


>> I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec,  
>> 180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.
>> From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog,  
>> 6.2Msends/sec, 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here.  
>> Sometimes I also run it on a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that brings  
>> performance down to XO levels.
>> Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find  
>> code that really deserved some optimization. The result is that,  
>> even if it looks cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?
> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having  
> a machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and  
> enjoy a *really fun* operating system as well.

Yes, I'd get one some day.

>> Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment  
>> on the experience?
> It is certainly a good approach; even on the Pi it is bearable. I'm  
> doing some work on how to boost the bitBLT performance right now  
> (which is not so hot) and that would make a big difference.  
> Eventually I hope to get the Cog vm working on it as well.
> But the real key is always better written systems code. Morphic has  
> always seemed to have horrible scaling issues - with one window open  
> it can be ok, open a dozen and     it    gri    nds   to          a  
>     h h     aa    l     t.
> A long time ago Andreas made a benchmark that timed opening a couple  
> of dozen browsers and it was possible even on a fast machine (of the  
> day, so say 25% of the fast machines now) to see how the last few  
> took so much longer. If anyone can fix that problem life would be a  
> lot better. By contrast, open an MVC project and use a couple of  
> dozen browsers. No performance problem there...

WRT this, I redid the rectangle merge & invalidate logic in Morphic.  
With this, resizing windows with more than 10 windows open became  
about ten times faster in my tests.

>> BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to trade  
>> looks for responsiveness.
> That does help a little. It does still take a good 1sec+ top open  
> the workspace text editing menu and at least 5 sec to open a browser.

Mhhh. This is to much. Just went to the P-III with Cpukiller 3 killing  
70% cpu. This way, I get 32Mbytecodes/sec and 1.3Msends/sec,  
comparable with the raspi. This way, using a stack interpreter (not  
Cog), doing [ BrowserWindow openBrowser ] timeToRun takes 3.8 secs on  
Cuis 4.1 and 0.2 secs on Cuis 4.0.

This is because in Cuis 4.1 I converted Morphic to use Float  
coordinates that are local to the Morph, and using MatrixTransform2x3.

All I can say is, please use Cuis 4.0 and not 4.1 on slow hardware...

> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
> Strange OpCodes: ARG: Agree to Run Garbage

Juan Vuletich

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Re: Raspberry Pi Performance (was: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak)

J. Vuletich (mail lists)
In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg
Quoting Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>:

> On 23.02.2013, at 19:24, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)"  
>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
>> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s
> Under Linux, using the pre-installed Squeak VM and the Cuis image, I  
> get 35 Mbytecodes/s and 1.0 Msends/s.
> Guess the Linux VM could use some of your ARM-Fu?
>>> I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec,  
>>> 180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.
>>> From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog,  
>>> 6.2Msends/sec, 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here.  
>>> Sometimes I also run it on a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that  
>>> brings performance down to XO levels.
>>> Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find  
>>> code that really deserved some optimization. The result is that,  
>>> even if it looks cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?
>> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having  
>> a machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and  
>> enjoy a *really fun* operating system as well.
> I'll stick to Linux for the time being :)
>>> Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment  
>>> on the experience?
>> It is certainly a good approach; even on the Pi it is bearable. I'm  
>> doing some work on how to boost the bitBLT performance right now  
>> (which is not so hot) and that would make a big difference.  
>> Eventually I hope to get the Cog vm working on it as well.
>> But the real key is always better written systems code. Morphic has  
>> always seemed to have horrible scaling issues - with one window  
>> open it can be ok, open a dozen and     it    gri    nds   to        
>>    a      h h     aa    l     t.
>> A long time ago Andreas made a benchmark that timed opening a  
>> couple of dozen browsers and it was possible even on a fast machine  
>> (of the day, so say 25% of the fast machines now) to see how the  
>> last few took so much longer. If anyone can fix that problem life  
>> would be a lot better. By contrast, open an MVC project and use a  
>> couple of dozen browsers. No performance problem there...
> Well, under MVC, all windows except the active one are dead. In  
> Morphic they're live.
> Which is not to say this couldn't be improved: in the Scratch image,  
> opening a browser is almost instantaneous (Scratch: 0.x secs, Etoys:  
> 3 secs, Squeak: 3 secs, Cuis: 6 secs).

Yes. In tests I just did on my slow setup (32mbytecodes/s,  
1.3msends/sec), Cuis 4.1 is 14 times slower than Cuis 4.0. This is due  
to Float local coordinates in Morphic.

>>> BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to  
>>> trade looks for responsiveness.
>> That does help a little. It does still take a good 1sec+ top open  
>> the workspace text editing menu and at least 5 sec to open a browser.
> Makes no difference AFAICT.
> - Bert -

Checked it. There might be a slight difference, but not much. true.

Thanks for testing. Bottom line: Avoid Cuis 4.1 on slow hardware.  
Prefer Cuis 4.0.

Juan Vuletich

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Re: Raspberry Pi Performance (was: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak)

J. Vuletich (mail lists)
In reply to this post by timrowledge
Quoting tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>:

> On 23-02-2013, at 11:01 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 23.02.2013, at 19:24, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)"  
>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
>>> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s
>> Under Linux, using the pre-installed Squeak VM and the Cuis image,  
>> I get 35 Mbytecodes/s and 1.0 Msends/s.
>> Guess the Linux VM could use some of your ARM-Fu?
> Ouch. That's quite a difference.
>>> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of  
>>> having a machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS  
>>> and enjoy a *really fun* operating system as well.
>> I'll stick to Linux for the time being :)
> Ya big wuss. ;-) Virtual memory etc has made you soft.
>> Well, under MVC, all windows except the active one are dead. In  
>> Morphic they're live.
> And maybe part of the problem is that not everything *needs* to be  
> alive all the time. Perhaps simply making appropriate morphs 'go  
> zombie' for a while would improve performance?
>> Which is not to say this couldn't be improved: in the Scratch  
>> image, opening a browser is almost instantaneous (Scratch: 0.x  
>> secs, Etoys: 3 secs, Squeak: 3 secs, Cuis: 6 secs).
> True; on the Pi opening a browser in the Scratch image is near  
> instant. Of course, they're absolutely hideously coloured. In fact,  
> long-dead-zombie colour wouldn't be too inaccurate. Anyone  
> interested in improving browser performance in Morphic should play  
> with the Scratch 'source code release' image and try to bring the  
> latest versions up to that same speed.

Or (as I said in other messages), check Cuis 4.0. It opens the browser  
14 times faster than Cuis 4.1. At least, the looks are quite nicer.

> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
> Oxymorons: Almost exactly

Juan Vuletich

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

Casey Ransberger-2
In reply to this post by timrowledge
Hi Tim,

I'm especially interested in the performance profile that Cuis displays on the Pi; it has always outperformed the other dialects on the more modest hardware, and that's part of why I adore it so. Juan's changes to Morphic have removed a great deal of computational overhead, it becomes clear very quickly when running atop a lower end machine.

I'm excited about the Pi. Truth is, I actually don't have the $35, but as soon as I do, I'll be doing what I can. Might have to wait until my birthday in May. Things are tough all over and it's been a bit since I've worked. Either way though, right now the Pi is probably the closest thing we've got to an interim DynaBook, so we should pay close attention to it.


Thanks for getting us up and running, Tim!


On Feb 23, 2013, at 10:24 AM, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s
>> I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec, 180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.
>> From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog, 6.2Msends/sec, 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here. Sometimes I also run it on a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that brings performance down to XO levels.
>> Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find code that really deserved some optimization. The result is that, even if it looks cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?
> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having a machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and enjoy a *really fun* operating system as well.
>> Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment on the experience?
> It is certainly a good approach; even on the Pi it is bearable. I'm doing some work on how to boost the bitBLT performance right now (which is not so hot) and that would make a big difference. Eventually I hope to get the Cog vm working on it as well.
> But the real key is always better written systems code. Morphic has always seemed to have horrible scaling issues - with one window open it can be ok, open a dozen and     it    gri    nds   to          a      h h     aa    l     t.
> A long time ago Andreas made a benchmark that timed opening a couple of dozen browsers and it was possible even on a fast machine (of the day, so say 25% of the fast machines now) to see how the last few took so much longer. If anyone can fix that problem life would be a lot better. By contrast, open an MVC project and use a couple of dozen browsers. No performance problem there...
>> BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to trade looks for responsiveness.
> That does help a little. It does still take a good 1sec+ top open the workspace text editing menu and at least 5 sec to open a browser.
> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
> Strange OpCodes: ARG: Agree to Run Garbage

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

In reply to this post by Stéphane Rollandin
Stéphane Rollandin <lecteur <at>> writes:

> Hello,
> For those interested, I have made available a first draft of Bibi (a
> port of BYOB 3.1, based on Scratch) loading and working on Squeak 4.4 at
> this address:
> It still has some rough edges and performance issues but is mostly
> usable; you should be able to load any Scratch or BYOB project and save
> them back, although in an upgraded and thus incompatible format.
> Bugs are to be expected...

Nice work Stef !

There is also a port of Scratch to Pharo that has been done recently:

Maybe we can join our effort ?
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

Stéphane Rollandin
> There is also a port of Scratch to Pharo that has been done recently:

Yes, I have been made aware of it and I actually borrowed a couple of
methods from Scat. But the original code is not the same: Scat is a port
of Scratch while Bibi is a port of BYOB.

I guess the best way to go would be to have a Pharo expert resume Scat
development; I could help from Squeak side via Bibi. And eventually we
would have both Scratch and BYOB working on modern systems.


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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

J. Vuletich (mail lists)
In reply to this post by J. Vuletich (mail lists)
Hi Tim, Bert,

I just couldn't resist (more below).

Quoting "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)" <[hidden email]>:

> Quoting tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>:
>> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)"  
>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
>> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s
> Thanks.
>>> I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec,  
>>> 180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.
>>> From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog,  
>>> 6.2Msends/sec, 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here.  
>>> Sometimes I also run it on a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that  
>>> brings performance down to XO levels.
>>> Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find  
>>> code that really deserved some optimization. The result is that,  
>>> even if it looks cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?
>> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having  
>> a machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and  
>> enjoy a *really fun* operating system as well.
> Yes, I'd get one some day.
>>> Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment  
>>> on the experience?
>> It is certainly a good approach; even on the Pi it is bearable. I'm  
>> doing some work on how to boost the bitBLT performance right now  
>> (which is not so hot) and that would make a big difference.  
>> Eventually I hope to get the Cog vm working on it as well.
>> But the real key is always better written systems code. Morphic has  
>> always seemed to have horrible scaling issues - with one window  
>> open it can be ok, open a dozen and     it    gri    nds   to        
>>    a      h h     aa    l     t.
>> A long time ago Andreas made a benchmark that timed opening a  
>> couple of dozen browsers and it was possible even on a fast machine  
>> (of the day, so say 25% of the fast machines now) to see how the  
>> last few took so much longer. If anyone can fix that problem life  
>> would be a lot better. By contrast, open an MVC project and use a  
>> couple of dozen browsers. No performance problem there...
> WRT this, I redid the rectangle merge & invalidate logic in Morphic.  
> With this, resizing windows with more than 10 windows open became  
> about ten times faster in my tests.
>>> BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to  
>>> trade looks for responsiveness.
>> That does help a little. It does still take a good 1sec+ top open  
>> the workspace text editing menu and at least 5 sec to open a browser.
> Mhhh. This is to much. Just went to the P-III with Cpukiller 3  
> killing 70% cpu. This way, I get 32Mbytecodes/sec and 1.3Msends/sec,  
> comparable with the raspi. This way, using a stack interpreter (not  
> Cog), doing [ BrowserWindow openBrowser ] timeToRun takes 3.8 secs  
> on Cuis 4.1 and 0.2 secs on Cuis 4.0.
> This is because in Cuis 4.1 I converted Morphic to use Float  
> coordinates that are local to the Morph, and using MatrixTransform2x3.
> All I can say is, please use Cuis 4.0 and not 4.1 on slow hardware...
>> tim
>> --
>> tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
>> Strange OpCodes: ARG: Agree to Run Garbage
> Cheers,
> Juan Vuletich

I couldn't help it. Spent some time on the 300MHz equivalent P-III and  
found it. The culprit wasn't Float coordinates, but a couple of bugs I  
introduced with those changes. Please grab or the updates from same Git  

Cuis 4.1 now opens windows as quickly as Cuis 4.0, i.e. as quickly as  
Scratch, and at least 5 times faster than Etoys or Squeak.

Thanks for the feedback!

Juan Vuletich

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

Frank Shearar-3
On 27 February 2013 11:14, Juan Vuletich (mail lists)
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Tim, Bert,
> I just couldn't resist (more below).
> Quoting "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)" <[hidden email]>:
>> Quoting tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>:
>>> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)"
>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
>>> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s
>> Thanks.
>>>> I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec,
>>>> 180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.
>>>> From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog, 6.2Msends/sec,
>>>> 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here. Sometimes I also run it on
>>>> a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that brings performance down to XO levels.
>>>> Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find code
>>>> that really deserved some optimization. The result is that, even if it looks
>>>> cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?
>>> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having a
>>> machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and enjoy a
>>> *really fun* operating system as well.
>> Yes, I'd get one some day.
>>>> Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment on the
>>>> experience?
>>> It is certainly a good approach; even on the Pi it is bearable. I'm doing
>>> some work on how to boost the bitBLT performance right now (which is not so
>>> hot) and that would make a big difference. Eventually I hope to get the Cog
>>> vm working on it as well.
>>> But the real key is always better written systems code. Morphic has
>>> always seemed to have horrible scaling issues - with one window open it can
>>> be ok, open a dozen and     it    gri    nds   to          a      h h     aa
>>> l     t.
>>> A long time ago Andreas made a benchmark that timed opening a couple of
>>> dozen browsers and it was possible even on a fast machine (of the day, so
>>> say 25% of the fast machines now) to see how the last few took so much
>>> longer. If anyone can fix that problem life would be a lot better. By
>>> contrast, open an MVC project and use a couple of dozen browsers. No
>>> performance problem there...
>> WRT this, I redid the rectangle merge & invalidate logic in Morphic. With
>> this, resizing windows with more than 10 windows open became about ten times
>> faster in my tests.
>>>> BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to trade
>>>> looks for responsiveness.
>>> That does help a little. It does still take a good 1sec+ top open the
>>> workspace text editing menu and at least 5 sec to open a browser.
>> Mhhh. This is to much. Just went to the P-III with Cpukiller 3 killing 70%
>> cpu. This way, I get 32Mbytecodes/sec and 1.3Msends/sec, comparable with the
>> raspi. This way, using a stack interpreter (not Cog), doing [ BrowserWindow
>> openBrowser ] timeToRun takes 3.8 secs on Cuis 4.1 and 0.2 secs on Cuis 4.0.
>> This is because in Cuis 4.1 I converted Morphic to use Float coordinates
>> that are local to the Morph, and using MatrixTransform2x3.
>> All I can say is, please use Cuis 4.0 and not 4.1 on slow hardware...
>>> tim
>>> --
>>> tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
>>> Strange OpCodes: ARG: Agree to Run Garbage
>> Cheers,
>> Juan Vuletich
> I couldn't help it. Spent some time on the 300MHz equivalent P-III and found
> it. The culprit wasn't Float coordinates, but a couple of bugs I introduced
> with those changes. Please grab
> or the updates from same Git repo.
> Cuis 4.1 now opens windows as quickly as Cuis 4.0, i.e. as quickly as
> Scratch, and at least 5 times faster than Etoys or Squeak.
> Thanks for the feedback!
> Cheers,
> Juan Vuletich

Will you at some point store Cuis's source in github directly? For
instance, the relevant commit for 1619 -
- just shows that you added a new binary. It would be very, very cool
to see the actual code changes.


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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

J. Vuletich (mail lists)
Quoting Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>:

> On 27 February 2013 11:14, Juan Vuletich (mail lists)
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi Tim, Bert,
>> I just couldn't resist (more below).
>> Quoting "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)" <[hidden email]>:
>>> Quoting tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>:
>>>> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)"
>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
>>>> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s
>>> Thanks.
>>>>> I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec,
>>>>> 180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.
>>>>> From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog, 6.2Msends/sec,
>>>>> 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here. Sometimes I  
>>>>> also run it on
>>>>> a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that brings performance down to XO levels.
>>>>> Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find code
>>>>> that really deserved some optimization. The result is that, even  
>>>>> if it looks
>>>>> cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?
>>>> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having a
>>>> machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and enjoy a
>>>> *really fun* operating system as well.
>>> Yes, I'd get one some day.
>>>>> Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment on the
>>>>> experience?
>>>> It is certainly a good approach; even on the Pi it is bearable. I'm doing
>>>> some work on how to boost the bitBLT performance right now (which  
>>>> is not so
>>>> hot) and that would make a big difference. Eventually I hope to  
>>>> get the Cog
>>>> vm working on it as well.
>>>> But the real key is always better written systems code. Morphic has
>>>> always seemed to have horrible scaling issues - with one window  
>>>> open it can
>>>> be ok, open a dozen and     it    gri    nds   to          a      
>>>> h h     aa
>>>> l     t.
>>>> A long time ago Andreas made a benchmark that timed opening a couple of
>>>> dozen browsers and it was possible even on a fast machine (of the day, so
>>>> say 25% of the fast machines now) to see how the last few took so much
>>>> longer. If anyone can fix that problem life would be a lot better. By
>>>> contrast, open an MVC project and use a couple of dozen browsers. No
>>>> performance problem there...
>>> WRT this, I redid the rectangle merge & invalidate logic in Morphic. With
>>> this, resizing windows with more than 10 windows open became about  
>>> ten times
>>> faster in my tests.
>>>>> BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to trade
>>>>> looks for responsiveness.
>>>> That does help a little. It does still take a good 1sec+ top open the
>>>> workspace text editing menu and at least 5 sec to open a browser.
>>> Mhhh. This is to much. Just went to the P-III with Cpukiller 3 killing 70%
>>> cpu. This way, I get 32Mbytecodes/sec and 1.3Msends/sec,  
>>> comparable with the
>>> raspi. This way, using a stack interpreter (not Cog), doing [ BrowserWindow
>>> openBrowser ] timeToRun takes 3.8 secs on Cuis 4.1 and 0.2 secs on  
>>> Cuis 4.0.
>>> This is because in Cuis 4.1 I converted Morphic to use Float coordinates
>>> that are local to the Morph, and using MatrixTransform2x3.
>>> All I can say is, please use Cuis 4.0 and not 4.1 on slow hardware...
>>>> tim
>>>> --
>>>> tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
>>>> Strange OpCodes: ARG: Agree to Run Garbage
>>> Cheers,
>>> Juan Vuletich
>> I couldn't help it. Spent some time on the 300MHz equivalent P-III and found
>> it. The culprit wasn't Float coordinates, but a couple of bugs I introduced
>> with those changes. Please grab
>> or the updates from same Git repo.
>> Cuis 4.1 now opens windows as quickly as Cuis 4.0, i.e. as quickly as
>> Scratch, and at least 5 times faster than Etoys or Squeak.
>> Thanks for the feedback!
>> Cheers,
>> Juan Vuletich
> Will you at some point store Cuis's source in github directly? For
> instance, the relevant commit for 1619 -
> - just shows that you added a new binary. It would be very, very cool
> to see the actual code changes.
> frank

The changes are at

Juan Vuletich

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Re: Bibi, a Scratch port to recent Squeak

Frank Shearar-3
On 27 February 2013 11:35, Juan Vuletich (mail lists)
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Quoting Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>:
>> On 27 February 2013 11:14, Juan Vuletich (mail lists)
>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi Tim, Bert,
>>> I just couldn't resist (more below).
>>> Quoting "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)" <[hidden email]>:
>>>> Quoting tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>:
>>>>> On 23-02-2013, at 5:58 AM, "Juan Vuletich (mail lists)"
>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>> What tinyBenchmarks performance do you get?
>>>>> My Pi does about 42Mbc/s and 1.4Msn/s
>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> I use Cuis all the time on an Atom netbook (Cog, 29Msends/sec,
>>>>>> 180Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is nice to use here.
>>>>>> From time to time, I run it on my XO (300MHz Geode, Cog,
>>>>>> 6.2Msends/sec,
>>>>>> 39Mbytecodes/sec). Cuis is pefectly usable here. Sometimes I also run
>>>>>> it on
>>>>>> a PIII with a CPUKiller app, that brings performance down to XO
>>>>>> levels.
>>>>>> Using slower machines is really useful. It really helped me find code
>>>>>> that really deserved some optimization. The result is that, even if it
>>>>>> looks
>>>>>> cool, Cuis is usable on slow hardware?
>>>>> Try to get a Pi sometime. You'll adore the sheer cuteness of having a
>>>>> machine that small and raw to play with. Download RISC OS and enjoy a
>>>>> *really fun* operating system as well.
>>>> Yes, I'd get one some day.
>>>>>> Have you tried Cuis on the Pi? Could you please do it and comment on
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> experience?
>>>>> It is certainly a good approach; even on the Pi it is bearable. I'm
>>>>> doing
>>>>> some work on how to boost the bitBLT performance right now (which is
>>>>> not so
>>>>> hot) and that would make a big difference. Eventually I hope to get the
>>>>> Cog
>>>>> vm working on it as well.
>>>>> But the real key is always better written systems code. Morphic has
>>>>> always seemed to have horrible scaling issues - with one window open it
>>>>> can
>>>>> be ok, open a dozen and     it    gri    nds   to          a      h h
>>>>> aa
>>>>> l     t.
>>>>> A long time ago Andreas made a benchmark that timed opening a couple of
>>>>> dozen browsers and it was possible even on a fast machine (of the day,
>>>>> so
>>>>> say 25% of the fast machines now) to see how the last few took so much
>>>>> longer. If anyone can fix that problem life would be a lot better. By
>>>>> contrast, open an MVC project and use a couple of dozen browsers. No
>>>>> performance problem there...
>>>> WRT this, I redid the rectangle merge & invalidate logic in Morphic.
>>>> With
>>>> this, resizing windows with more than 10 windows open became about ten
>>>> times
>>>> faster in my tests.
>>>>>> BTW, if needed, you can evaluate 'Preferences slowMachine' to trade
>>>>>> looks for responsiveness.
>>>>> That does help a little. It does still take a good 1sec+ top open the
>>>>> workspace text editing menu and at least 5 sec to open a browser.
>>>> Mhhh. This is to much. Just went to the P-III with Cpukiller 3 killing
>>>> 70%
>>>> cpu. This way, I get 32Mbytecodes/sec and 1.3Msends/sec, comparable with
>>>> the
>>>> raspi. This way, using a stack interpreter (not Cog), doing [
>>>> BrowserWindow
>>>> openBrowser ] timeToRun takes 3.8 secs on Cuis 4.1 and 0.2 secs on Cuis
>>>> 4.0.
>>>> This is because in Cuis 4.1 I converted Morphic to use Float coordinates
>>>> that are local to the Morph, and using MatrixTransform2x3.
>>>> All I can say is, please use Cuis 4.0 and not 4.1 on slow hardware...
>>>>> tim
>>>>> --
>>>>> tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
>>>>> Strange OpCodes: ARG: Agree to Run Garbage
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Juan Vuletich
>>> I couldn't help it. Spent some time on the 300MHz equivalent P-III and
>>> found
>>> it. The culprit wasn't Float coordinates, but a couple of bugs I
>>> introduced
>>> with those changes. Please grab
>>> or the updates from same Git repo.
>>> Cuis 4.1 now opens windows as quickly as Cuis 4.0, i.e. as quickly as
>>> Scratch, and at least 5 times faster than Etoys or Squeak.
>>> Thanks for the feedback!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Juan Vuletich
>> Will you at some point store Cuis's source in github directly? For
>> instance, the relevant commit for 1619 -
>> - just shows that you added a new binary. It would be very, very cool
>> to see the actual code changes.
>> frank
> The changes are at
> Cheers,
> Juan Vuletich

Ah, I see. Thanks; I hadn't thought to look elsewhere in the repository.

Also, that confirms my suspicion that the way Squeak/Cuis updates work
is analogous to a database migration: take some big chunk of state,
and mutate it in these specific ways.

The problem being that to see what actually changed requires something
in the state induced by #1618, applying the 1619 changeset, and
comparing the #1618 state with the #1619 state.

I don't mean this as a criticism - I'm jut formalising my
understanding of how we actually work.
