where can I find a good reference about what characters are allowed as binary selectors (from old syntax definition) and what is nowadays allowed by the implementations. And whether the current set of allowed binaries selector includes some additions on purpose or if this is just a bug of the parser. From what I found out, (Blue book and some other smalltalk syntax definitions) the current set of allowed characters includes the "special characters": $! $% $& $* $+ $, $- $/ $< $= $> $? $@ $\ $| $~ (some implementation do not allow $@ and some calls $- not a special character but allowed as binary selector character)
And this is what String>>#numArgs uses. Therefore '-' numArgs "->1". '!' numArgs "->1". And for example: '§' numArgs "-> -1 (the -1 is indicating "not even a valid selector")" But I am interested in the characters not called "special characters and not even in the range 0-126. The scanner allowes much more characters to be used as a selector name (From the scanners typeTable) :
{Character value: 1 . Character value: 2 . Character value: 3 . Character value: 4 . Character value: 5 . Character value: 6 . Character value: 7 . Character backspace . Character value: 11 . Character value: 14 . Character value: 15 . Character value: 16 . Character value: 17 . Character value: 18 . Character value: 19 . Character value: 20 . Character value: 21 . Character value: 22 . Character value: 23 . Character value: 24 . Character value: 25 . Character value: 26 . Character escape . Character value: 28 . Character value: 29 . Character value: 30 . Character value: 31 . $! . $% . $& . $* . $+ . $, . $- . $/ . $< . $= . $> . $? . $@ . $\ . $` . $~ . Character delete . $€ . $ . $‚ . $ƒ . $„ . $… . $† . $‡ . $ˆ . $‰ . $Š . $‹ . $Œ . $ . $Ž . $ . $ . $‘ . $’ . $“ . $” . $• . $– . $— . $˜ . $™ . $š . $› . $œ . $ . $ž . $Ÿ . $ . $¡ . $¢ . $£ . $¤ . $¥ . $¦ . $§ . $¨ . $© . $« . $¬ . $ . $® . $¯ . $° . $± . $² . $³ . $´ . $¶ . $· . $¸ . $¹ . $» . $¼ . $½ . $¾ . $¿ . $× . $÷}
This means you can define a method with for example the name "÷". So , the question I want to ask. What do we want to allow as a binary selector (character).
All that is nowadays "parseable" as binary selector, or only the set of "special characters"
or something between both, and where to put this information, the "this is an allowed binary
selector character" information?