Bintray & clash

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Bintray & clash

Just tried running ./  to take a look at fixing the MSR commentary issues Boris spotted and it looks like there is some bad interaction between the bintray setup and how the script tries to fetch the latest vm install.
So far as I (a very poor reader of shellscripts) can see, the bintray machine is reporting a new version with


and then when asked for that with
curl -L -o squeak.cog.spur_macos64x64_202009171337.dmg

it actually provides a 33 byte file with the contents
'The requested path was not found.'

This is not so very helpful. looking at it seems only the windows versions built. Maybe the script could check for the latest release applicable to the OS value? No idea how one might get that info from bintray.

I've cheated for now by hacking the script to explicitly look for the 202009170744 file, so no massive urgency here.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
"How many Kdatlyno does it take to change a lightbulb?”
"None. It sounds perfectly OK to them."