The box-admins team is responsible for seeing that the community shared
server is maintained and setting up any new features to be hosted on
that server.
For October, 2009:
This has been the most tumultuous month since October of 2008, in fact
there was very strong sense of living a rerun, with multiple server
outages requiring server resets.
I posted multiple status notices: status remains the same as the last notice: good. The server has
now been up for a recent record of 5 days, 14 hours, and 48 minutes as
of the moment of writing this note.
In any case this server is decidedly aging and the Squeak Oversight
Board along with this team will be investigating options to replace and
upgrade/improve our hosting capabilities in the coming months. purchasing a Squeak badge. Note that a donation here may be used for
other Squeak community services including but not limited to
development, development infrastructure, and promotion of Squeak.
The services being hosted have continued to grow and include (but are
not limited to): - DNS services for and domain names.