Box-Admins Team needs a new leader and/or we need a new way

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Box-Admins Team needs a new leader and/or we need a new way

Chris Cunnington
Thinking about this, the idea of one person doing all the sysadmin stuff
was in the past and is now a bad idea. The bus factor should never be one.

This is old thinking of the bad kind that lead to the crisis preceding
the group-effort model of making new images. Ken should never have been
allowed to become a one man show. It has created a succession crisis
that has gone on for at least twelve months.

What's needed is a team of people, maybe four or five. That would be a
rolling succession plan. People could be added or lost without
everything coming to a crisis point.

How about some people who meet once a week on IRC with Ken for the next
few months to transition things. That way a list of tasks could be
worked up and all kinds of questions could be asked, because everybody
coming to this would have a learning curve. And learning curves are
lessened if they're shared.


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Re: Box-Admins Team needs a new leader and/or we need a new way

Bert Freudenberg

On 04.02.2011, at 07:52, Chris Cunnington wrote:

> Thinking about this, the idea of one person doing all the sysadmin stuff was in the past and is now a bad idea. The bus factor should never be one.
> This is old thinking of the bad kind that lead to the crisis preceding the group-effort model of making new images. Ken should never have been allowed to become a one man show. It has created a succession crisis that has gone on for at least twelve months.
> What's needed is a team of people, maybe four or five. That would be a rolling succession plan. People could be added or lost without everything coming to a crisis point.
> How about some people who meet once a week on IRC with Ken for the next few months to transition things. That way a list of tasks could be worked up and all kinds of questions could be asked, because everybody coming to this would have a learning curve. And learning curves are lessened if they're shared.
> Chris

It's great to see volunteers for the box admins team again! People come and go and lately Ken was almost on his own.

Anyone interested in helping should start by subscribing to the box-admins list:

- Bert -