Branches versus Repositories

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Branches versus Repositories

Hi.  Interesting discussion (parts of which my eyes glazed over reading) on the Spur thread.  But, branches and repositories.

I manage a few packages, one of which is in 5 different repositories - SqueakSource, SS3, SmalltalkHub, local file directory (main one!), and various package-cache's.  These are NOT branches - they are just places where the Monticello packaged code happens to reside.  I view multiple repositories as backup and/or different focused delivery mechanisms - not different branches.

In fact, I often scour around various other repositories for later versions of packages - we have many members at large with their own squeaksource like repositories where they keep different versions of the code for their own purposes, but I can't tell when there are different versions in these repositories if it is because they are 'branching', or if they just haven't copied to the others, or if they were denied permission to copy to the others (or didn't bother to ask), or...  In any case, I usually just take the latest and use it.

And, once that package is just copied over (as being 'valid enough'), does that mean it isn't on the branch anymore?

In fact, there was some work in the past that specifically took a group of repositories, and took the last out of that group to load, instead of just a single repository.  I'm not sure where this stands today, but it was an interesting assertion that repositories where NOT branches in that developers mind.

Just stating how I view the state of affairs today.
