Bug: TextOnCurve + TextAnchor

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Bug: TextOnCurve + TextAnchor

Christoph Thiede

Hi all,

this time I have installed my updates (Trunk #18872), so this bug should be reproducible :)

Do it:

owner := CurveMorph new

extent: 200 @ 200;

color: Color veryLightGray;


child := Morph new.

text := 'Here is a morph: ' asText,

((String value: 1) asText

addAttribute: (TextAnchor new anchoredMorph: child);


textMorph := text asMorph.

textMorph followCurve.

owner addMorph: textMorph.

owner openAsTool.

Result: child is not correctly positioned, it always has a point near 0@0, even if you move owner.
If you disable the #followCurve line, things work.

I only took a quick glance at the Graphics source, but it looks as if destX in BitBltDisplayScanner is not set correctly.
Or am I doing something wrong?


Carpe Squeak!