> On 05-04-2016, at 9:35 AM, marcel.taeumel <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Bert,
> the expression "SoundService defaultOrNil" returns the DummySoundSystem in
> my system although your Bach Fugue is playing and I can hear it. This seems
> to be wrong. If I can hear sound, the BaseSoundSystem should be in charge,
> right?
> If the following code snippet mutes this example, CMD+. will do, too:
> SoundService defaultOrNil ifNotNil: [ : soundSystem | soundSystem shutDown
> ].
> But it does not. Bug! Bug! Bug! :-)
Ooh, if you’re digging into the sound system process etc do try to work out why short samples do not appear to get played when the stop-on-silence preference is true. I kinda suspect that the sample being checked for all-0 is not the one that needs to be played next but perhaps the one after it; if you only have a single-buffers worth of sound (like a Pop!) then maybe that could explain why it never gets to experience its brief moment of glory?
tim Rowledge;
[hidden email];
http://www.rowledge.org/timHow was Thomas J. Watson buried? 9 edge down.