You'll need to define not-work.
I'll note I added the Exupery to the mac intel carbon vm in hopes
that someone would actually try to make it
work, it passes about 90% of the Sunits. However no-one has bother to
work on it, so it might get removed in
the future.
I believe I build the Exupery code as an internal plugin because it
requires changes to the interp.c code anyway
so no point in making it an external plugin.
Let me fix up the issue with the npsqueak versus older NPSqueak.plist .
Likely I will use SVN to manage the issue that one would need to
fetch an old rev of the source in order to build
the old plugin since that is the only way to support os-x 10.0, 10.1
Having someone build the browser plugin is likely a good test to
ensure I've stuck all the pieces on the SVN tree
On Apr 18, 2007, at 5:47 AM, Mathieu Suen wrote:
> Yep already done but don't work either.
> Mth
> On Apr 18, 2007, at 2:36 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> Remove it, maybe?
John M. McIntosh <
[hidden email]>
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.