Building squeak vm with quartz on Mac

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Building squeak vm with quartz on Mac

Mathieu SUEN

I build the VM for Mac using the following option:
../platforms/unix/config/configure --with-quartz --without-x

Then I lunch the VM and get the error:
could not find display driver vm-display-X11; either:
   - check that /usr/local/lib/squeak/3.9-12/  
exists, or
   - use the '-plugins <path>' option to tell me where it is, or
   - remove DISPLAY from your environment.

So I added the following option:
./squeak -vm display=Quartz ../sq3.10-7137dev07.08.1.image
could not find module vm-display-Quartz

How can I make it work?

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Re: Building squeak vm with quartz on Mac

Ian Piumarta
On Sep 1, 2007, at 1:43 PM, Mathieu Suen wrote:

> So I added the following option:
> ./squeak -vm display=Quartz ../sq3.10-7137dev07.08.1.image
> could not find module vm-display-Quartz

Try telling the VM explicitly where to look for plugins.  The option  
is -plugins and the argument is a path with %n represents the plugin  
name.  To run from within the build tree:

./squeak -plugins $PWD/%n/.libs -vm-display-Quartz your.image
