CAD, Electroics, and my interests

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CAD, Electroics, and my interests

Kirk Fraser
Thanks for your replies.  On 3D CAD I recommend taking a course in SolidWorks - it is a very simple way of dealing with graphic objects compared to others and is popular even at $4,,000 per seat - I don't suggest purchase but seeing the simple user interface would help duplicate it and improve on it.  The hardest part to me would be writing the file translators such as .dxf.
On chip design, one tip is to get a free education starting at which released their Propeller micro-controller chip design into public domain.  There is a community of people on their forum which can help.  Then move up to a CPU core design like Raspberry Pi uses. If you can make it this far, I suggest a chip with 0.1" pin-outs is way easier to hand solder than smaller surface mount designs.  
While I'm interested in all this, I have other interests with more  leverage that I choose to spend time on.  One is Bible analysis which provides understanding of deep text analysis beyond the skills of most Artificial Intelligence (AI) folks.  I am working on my own AI after I finish an AI language on top of Smalltalk, with a small object database.  I'm also working on a robot which will drive a tractor around a field and more if I can get the garbage collection problem solved. I suspect tag team GC requests on cooperating cores MIGHT do it but I'd rather be sure than end up dead.  The first driverless car was programmed in Python which has garbage collection control. My robot work is shown at 
Of primary concern at present is a result of my Bible studies at which indicates two possible limits on my lifespan, the Rev. 12:5 ascension aka. pre-trib rapture I'm guessing will be in 2024 for good Christians and the one as Jesus returns in 2031 which will take the majority of currently bad Christians including Pope, Pastors, etc. who will have been humbled by the Rev. 16 world earthquake, and having to look to God to help them survive.
As it appears I'm the only guy speculating these years. leaving days and hours alone, I think it may become important for me to spend more time preaching after the Rev. 8 asteroid hits I'm guessing in 2020.  So I have only 5-6 years to spend on technology and trying to make more than sustenance income.  Thus I must prioritize. I'm making great progress on my AI language, it's half done, executing the first example.  So I'm thinking I need to spend time on software.  Robot hardware is expensive and I cannot afford it except for prior investments in a period of life where I had money.  So I dribble toward it as I can, say $250 a month plus or minus.  I realized a humanoid robot is virtually worthless without machine vision so I plan to work on the higher levels of that in my AI language after getting camera access in Squeak.  
All this is to say I won't become a Virtual Machine expert for Linux because I don't have time at present.  If my AI is wildly successful in being the first to pass a GED then a copy could be assigned that or any job except being part of the image of the Beast robot in Rev. 13 - which fear has hindered me since college.  My industrial farm robot won't be pretty enough to fulfill that prophecy.  Sometimes I make bad investment choices like anyone, but it hurts more when poor.  For example I hired an offshore programmer in India to work on Squeak for a month and the result was basically nothing with no refund - later I did the first half of the job in 2 weeks. So in any case my time is limited. 

Kirk W. Fraser - Replace the fraud churches with the true church. - Example of False Justice common in America