CFP: 6th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications (DYLA'12)

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CFP: 6th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications (DYLA'12)

Damien Cassou
6th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications
Colocated with 26th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
(ECOOP 2012)
11–16 June 2012, Beijing, China

Web site:

The DYLA Workshop series focuses on the revival of dynamic languages.
These days, dynamic languages (like Lisp, Ruby, Python, JavaScript,
Lua, etc...) are getting ever more popular. This is a call to arms for
academia! We need to explore the future of dynamic languages through
its human aspects and technical issues. We also ought to look back and
pick up solutions from existing dynamic languages (such as Scheme,
Smalltalk, or Self) to be rediscovered and spread around.

Goal and Topics

The goal of this workshop is to act as a forum where we can discuss
new advances in the design, implementation and application of
dynamically typed languages that, sometimes radically, diverge from
the statically typed class-based mainstream with limited reflective
capabilities. Another objective of the workshop is to discuss new as
well as older “forgotten” languages and features in this context.
The workshop will have a demo-oriented style. The idea is to allow
participants to demonstrate new and interesting features and discuss
what they feel is relevant for the dynamic language community. All
participants need to submit a two-page description (LNCS format) of
their presentation or/and tool demonstration. Each accepted paper will
be presented for 20–30 minutes. Moreover, all workshop attendees
will be asked to give 10-minute “lightning demos” of whatever they
bring with them. A dedicated session will be allocated for this,
provided there is ample time available. A session on pair programming
is also planned. People will then get a chance to share their
technology by closely interacting with other participants.

Submission page is

The expected audience of this workshop is practitioners and
researchers sharing the same interest in dynamically typed languages.
Lua, Python, Ruby, Scheme and Smalltalk are gaining a significant
popularity both in industry and academia. However, each community has
the tendency to only look at what it produced. Broadening the scope of
each community is the goal of the workshop. To achieve this goal we
will form a PC with leading persons from all languages mentioned
above, fostering participation from all targeted communities.

Topics of interest include, but are certainly not limited to:
- what features make a language a dynamic one?
- agents, actors, active object, distribution, concurrency and mobility
- delegation, prototypes, mixins, traits
- first-class closures, continuations, environments
- reflection and meta-programming
- (dynamic) aspects for dynamic languages
- higher-order objects & messages
- other exotic dynamic features
- multi-paradigm & static/dynamic-marriages
- (concurrent/distributed/mobile/aspect) virtual machines
- optimization of dynamic languages
- automated reasoning about programs written in dynamic languages
- improved or novel IDE support for dynamic languages
- empirical studies about the application of dynamic languages
- best practices and patterns specific to dynamic languages
- use of dynamic features by library & framework developers
- reverse engineering and analysis of dynamic applications
- program correctness through unit testing (as opposed to types)
- applications of dynamic languages: embedded systems, robotic
systems, web site, ...

And any topic relevant in applying and/or supporting dynamic
languages: Smalltalk, Python, Ruby, Javascript, Scheme, Lisp, Self,
ABCL, Prolog, Ioke, Clojure and many more...

Important dates
- Due date for full workshop papers submission: April 17th, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: April 27th, 2012
- Workshop: June 12th, 2012


- Alexandre Bergel, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
- Damien Cassou, Arles research group at INRIA, France
- Jorge Ressia, University of Bern, Switzerland
- Serge Stinckwich, UMMISCO, IRD/UPMC/VNU, Vietnam

Program Committee

- Alexandre Bergel, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
- Carl Friedrich Bolz, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Germany
- Camillo Bruni, Camillo Bruni, RMoD, INRIA, France
- Damien Cassou, Arles research group at INRIA, France
- Adrian Kuhn, UBC, Canada
- Olivier Michel, UPEC, France
- Lukas Renggli, Google, Switzerland
- Jorge Ressia, University of Bern, Switzerland
- Serge Stinckwich, UMMISCO, IRD/UPMC/VNU, Vietnam
- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, University of Chile, Chile