[CFP] Dyla'14, Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications, at PLDI, Edinburgh

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[CFP] Dyla'14, Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications, at PLDI, Edinburgh

- What: 8th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications.
- Where: Co-located with PLDI'14, Edinburgh, UK
- When: June 12th,

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN

Submission deadline: March 15th

More info on the website: http://www.lifl.fr/dyla14/

Dyla is a place where developers and researchers can discuss new
advances in the design, implementation and application of
dynamically-typed languages.

The expected audience of this workshop includes practitioners and
researchers sharing the same interest in dynamically-typed languages.
Lua, Python, Ruby, JavaScript and others are gaining a significant
popularity both in industry and academia. Nevertheless, each community
has the tendency to only look at what it produces. Broadening the
scope of each community is the goal of the workshop. To achieve this
goal Dyla's program and organization committees are composed of
leading persons from many such languages.


- live programming
- programming language extensions
- programming environment extensions
- domain-specific languages & tooling
- executing environments
- static & dynamic analyses
- meta-object protocols
- optional type-checking
- reverse engineering
- testing environments

Organizing committee:

- Damien Cassou, University of Lille 1, FR
- Carl Friedrich Bolz, King's College London, GB
- Johan Andersson, Burtcorp in Gothenburg, SE
- Roberto Ierusalimschy, Catholic Univ. in Rio de Janeiro, BR
- Tom Van Cutsem, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE

Program committee:

- Anne Etien, University Lille 1, France
- David Schneider, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, DE
- Didier Verna, EPITA/LRDE, France
- Edd Barrett, Department of Informatics, King's College London, GB
- Joe Gibbs Politz, Brown University, USA
- Peng Wu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
- Tim Felgentreff, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, DE
- T. Stephen Strickland, University of Maryland, US
- Yoshiki Oshima, Viewpoints Research Institute, USA
- Zachary P. Beane, Portland, USA
- the 5 workshop organizers


Java and C# have been a major influence in the adoption of
object-oriented language characteristics: academic features like
interfaces, garbage collection, and meta-programming became
technologies generally accepted by the industry. However, with the
adoption of these languages, their limitations became apparent, as
testified by industry reactions: invokedynamic has been
included in the latest Java virtual machine release; the dynamic
language runtime (DLR) is gaining popularity; C# adopted
dynamic as a valid static type.

Researchers and practitioners struggle with static type systems,
overly complex abstract grammars, simplistic concurrency mechanisms,
limited reflection capabilities, and the absence of higher-order
language constructs such as delegation, closures, and continuations.
Dynamic languages such as Ruby, Python, JavaScript and Lua are a step
forward in addressing these problems and are getting more and more
popular. To make these languages mainstream, practitioners have to
look back and pick mechanisms up in existing dynamic languages such as
Lisp, Scheme, Smalltalk and Self.

The goal of this workshop is to act as a forum where practitioners can
discuss new advances in the design, implementation and application of
dynamically-typed languages that, sometimes radically, diverge from
the statically typed class-based mainstream. Another objective is to
discuss new as well as older "forgotten" languages and features in
this context.

Format and Submission Information

The workshop will have a demo-oriented style. The idea is to allow
participants to demonstrate new and interesting features and discuss
what they feel is relevant for the dynamic-language community. To
participate in the workshop, you can either

- submit (before March 15th 2014) an article (ACM Tighter Alternate
  style) describing your presentation and/or tool. Your article, which
  must include from 2 to 15 pages, will be carefully reviewed by the
  program committee. If accepted, your article will be presented
  during the workshop and be published to the ACM Digital Library (at
  your option) and the workshop's web site. Please submit to

- or give a 10-minute lightning demo of your work. A dedicated session
  will be allocated for this, provided there is ample time available.
  In this case, send us the title of your demo.

A session on pair programming is also planned. People will then get a
chance to share their technologies by interacting with other