CMake/Build Tree flattening project update.

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CMake/Build Tree flattening project update.

Hi All, quick update.

1. The flattening is done and lives at  for the moment.
2. By 'done' I mean that builds that work on my platform with the old tree, now work with the new tree and those that never worked, still do not work, but they do configure and start to build.
3. I have tested the existing Cog/image/  build scripts in Flat/image against the flattened tree, and they work.
4. I have added a script for building a CMakeVMMakerSqueak enabled image in Flat/image/ and tested it. It builds Cog 4.5, 4.6 release and trunk images and also does standardVM config building if wanted.
5. My next step is to create a one-to-one mapping between existing GNU-Make builds and CMake Configurations.
6. After that, when/if I get an answer on how to use the bochs platform and its plugin, I will document it.
7. At that point, the terms of the offer from Tim R. should be fulfilled, however...  <---Tim R. Please confirm or deny, thx
8. I want to get the cygwin builds working both in gnu-land and cmake land
9. SunOS port if possible
10 BSD port if possible.
11 Releasing this beast and using it.

Feel free to take it for a test drive. (I power down the computer at night and during thunderstorms, so availability is a.m. EST [GMT -5])

cd Flat/image  -c 4.5 will get you a Cog setup in cogVMMaker subdirectory (complete with source tree set up releative to that director)   -c 4.5 -t same, but with trunk as mc repo  -c 4.6 same, but 4.6  -s 4.5 StandardVM setup per the wiki at complete with demo VMMaker.conf files   -b gets both 4.5 standardVM and cog setups for you.

Eliot's scripts work as well, but only against the old build tree.

The Cog installs have both Eliot's workspace texts and a new one for VMMakerCMakeSqueak with ports of the existing pharo configurations for squeak.

Like I mentioned, I will be adding configurations to match what exists in the GNU builds next.



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Re: CMake/Build Tree flattening project update.


Congratulations; that’s a lot of work covered.

I guess I need to find some time to try it out and to persuade Eliot to do likewise…

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Useful random insult:- A room temperature IQ.

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Re: CMake/Build Tree flattening project update.

Hi Tim.

>Congratulations; that’s a lot of work covered. 

>I guess I need to find some time to try it out and to persuade Eliot to do likewise… 

Sounds good. I know you guys are busy. 

Please be frank in criticisms, suggestions and needed work when reviewing it.

