Call for Papers: Reflect'16, Workshop on Reflection and Runtime Meta-Programming Techniques

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Call for Papers: Reflect'16, Workshop on Reflection and Runtime Meta-Programming Techniques

Stefan Marr-3
                           Call for Papers: Reflect’16  

         Workshop on Reflection and Runtime Meta-Programming Techniques
                         Co-located with Modularity 2016
                       March 14 or 15, 2016, Málaga, Spain

                            Twitter @ReflectWorkshop

With modern mainstream languages embracing runtime reflection, for instance in
JavaScript with proxies and Ruby with its culture of using meta-programming,
the research on meta-architectures, reflective programming, and other
meta-programming techniques have become relevant and timely once again. Over
the last couple of years, these techniques saw a surge of interest benefiting
from the JavaScript standardization process as well as performance improvements
based on just-in-time compilation that increased their general acceptance.

The Reflect’16 workshop aims to bring together people who do research on
reflection and runtime meta-programming, as well as users of such techniques to
e.g. build applications, language extensions, or software tools. We invite
contributions to the workshop on a wide range of topics related to design,
implementation, and application of reflective APIs and runtime meta-programming
techniques, as well as empirical studies and typing for such systems and

We welcome technical papers as well as work-in-progress and position papers
from the academic as well as industrial perspective. Position paper should take
a perhaps controversial stance on a specific topic and argue the position well.

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

 - applications to middleware, frameworks, and DSLs
 - reflection and metaobject protocols to enable tooling
 - meta-level architectures and reflective middleware for modern runtime
   platforms (e.g. IoT, cyber-physical systems, cloud/grid computing,
   exa-scale systems, smart grids, mobile systems)
 - optimization techniques to minimize runtime overhead of reflection
 - use for application-level runtime optimization
 - new language constructs for reflection and meta-programming
 - security in reflective systems and capability-based designs
 - application of reflective techniques to achieve adaptability,
   separation of concerns, code reuse, etc.
 - empirical studies to the dynamic behavior of reflective programs
 - application to enable complex concurrent systems
 - typing of reflective programs

Workshop Format and Submissions

This workshop welcomes the presentation of mature work as well as discussion of
new ideas and emerging problems as part of a mini-conference format.
Furthermore, we plan for more interactive brainstorming and demonstration
sessions between the formal presentations to enable an active exchange of ideas.

The workshop papers will be published in both the electronic proceedings of the
Modularity conference and in the ACM Digital Library, if not requested
otherwise by the authors. Papers are to be submitted using the ACM sigplanconf
style at 9pt font size. See

  position and work-in-progress paper: max. 4 pages
  technical paper:                     max. 8 pages
  demos and posters:                   1-page abstract

For the submission, please use the EasyChair system:

Important Dates

abstract submission: January 11, 2016
paper submission:    January 15, 2016
notification:        February 6, 2016
camera-ready:        February 13, 2016
all deadlines: Anywhere on Earth (AoE), i.e., GMT/UTC−12:00 hour

Workshop Organizers

Gilad Bracha, Google
Shigeru Chiba, University of Tokyo
Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Stefan Marr, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Program Committee

Daniele Bonetta, Oracle Labs, Austria
Damien Cassou, University of Lille 1, France
Siobhan Clarke, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Stephane Ducasse, Inria, France
Robert Hirschfeld, HPI, Germany
Hridesh Rajan, Iowa State University, USA
Romain Rouvoy, University Lille 1 and INRIA, France
Eric Tanter, University of Chile, Chile
Laurie Tratt, King’s College, UK
Tom Van Cutsem, Bell Labs, Belgium
Takuo Wantanabe, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Tijs van der Storm, CWI, NL

Stefan Marr
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz