Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

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Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Dimitry Golubovsky

I am trying to buid Cog from scratch.

I use a clone of the repo at (I
cloned it on July 1st, after the last push was recorded, so my clone
is identical to the original).

I executed in codegen-scripts, and then in
the same location. The SLANG parts were fetched and sources generated.

I followed the instructions in
/src/cogvm/dmg-blessed/unixbuild/HowToBuild, configured the VM like
this (the first eonfig example in that file):

../../platforms/unix/config/configure --without-vm-display-fbdev \
      --without-npsqueak \
      CFLAGS="-g -O2 -msse2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -DNDEBUG

Then ran make

Everything compiled fine, but at the linking stage I got:

squeak disabledPlugins.o version.o -Wl,--export-dynamic  vm/vm.a
AsynchFilePlugin/AsynchFilePlugin.a B2DPlugin/B2DPlugin.a
BitBltPlugin/BitBltPlugin.a BMPReadWriterPlugin/BMPReadWriterPlugin.a
CroquetPlugin/CroquetPlugin.a ZipPlugin/ZipPlugin.a
DropPlugin/DropPlugin.a DSAPrims/DSAPrims.a FFTPlugin/FFTPlugin.a
FileCopyPlugin/FileCopyPlugin.a FilePlugin/FilePlugin.a
FloatArrayPlugin/FloatArrayPlugin.a FloatMathPlugin/FloatMathPlugin.a
IA32ABI/IA32ABI.a JoystickTabletPlugin/JoystickTabletPlugin.a
JPEGReadWriter2Plugin/JPEGReadWriter2Plugin.a Klatt/Klatt.a
LargeIntegers/LargeIntegers.a Matrix2x3Plugin/Matrix2x3Plugin.a
MIDIPlugin/MIDIPlugin.a MiscPrimitivePlugin/MiscPrimitivePlugin.a
Mpeg3Plugin/Mpeg3Plugin.a RePlugin/RePlugin.a
SecurityPlugin/SecurityPlugin.a SerialPlugin/SerialPlugin.a
SocketPlugin/SocketPlugin.a SoundCodecPrims/SoundCodecPrims.a
SoundPlugin/SoundPlugin.a StarSqueakPlugin/StarSqueakPlugin.a
SurfacePlugin/SurfacePlugin.a -lutil -ldl -lpthread -lm -lnsl
-lpthread vm/vm.a -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/home/dima/bldcog//lib
vm/vm.a(sqVirtualMachine.o): In function `sqGetInterpreterProxy':
undefined reference to `getStackPointer'
undefined reference to `signalNoResume'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [squeak] Error 1

I googled for this message; it seems to be already discussed as of
beginning of June 2011 e. g. in this thread.

Is this something I just have to wait to be fixed, or is there any
workaround, e. g. use a different ConfigurationOfCog?


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Igor Stasenko

On 4 July 2011 04:55, Dimitry Golubovsky <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to buid Cog from scratch.
> I use a clone of the repo at (I
> cloned it on July 1st, after the last push was recorded, so my clone
> is identical to the original).
> I executed in codegen-scripts, and then in
> the same location. The SLANG parts were fetched and sources generated.
> I followed the instructions in
> /src/cogvm/dmg-blessed/unixbuild/HowToBuild, configured the VM like
> this (the first eonfig example in that file):
> ../../platforms/unix/config/configure --without-vm-display-fbdev \
>      --without-npsqueak \
>      CFLAGS="-g -O2 -msse2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -DNDEBUG
>      LIBS=-lpthread
> Then ran make

There are two build processes: using make and cmake. You mixed them. is part of cmake building process, but blessed branch
could contain outdated versions of configuration files.
I will update blessed soon, since build server using my branch for building vms.

Please look at Mariano's blog, he documeted well, how build works.

I never tried to use make process with blessed repository. Probably we
should remove it to avoid confusion.

> Everything compiled fine, but at the linking stage I got:
> squeak disabledPlugins.o version.o -Wl,--export-dynamic  vm/vm.a
> ADPCMCodecPlugin/ADPCMCodecPlugin.a
> AsynchFilePlugin/AsynchFilePlugin.a B2DPlugin/B2DPlugin.a
> BitBltPlugin/BitBltPlugin.a BMPReadWriterPlugin/BMPReadWriterPlugin.a
> CroquetPlugin/CroquetPlugin.a ZipPlugin/ZipPlugin.a
> DropPlugin/DropPlugin.a DSAPrims/DSAPrims.a FFTPlugin/FFTPlugin.a
> FileCopyPlugin/FileCopyPlugin.a FilePlugin/FilePlugin.a
> FloatArrayPlugin/FloatArrayPlugin.a FloatMathPlugin/FloatMathPlugin.a
> IA32ABI/IA32ABI.a JoystickTabletPlugin/JoystickTabletPlugin.a
> JPEGReaderPlugin/JPEGReaderPlugin.a
> JPEGReadWriter2Plugin/JPEGReadWriter2Plugin.a Klatt/Klatt.a
> LargeIntegers/LargeIntegers.a Matrix2x3Plugin/Matrix2x3Plugin.a
> MIDIPlugin/MIDIPlugin.a MiscPrimitivePlugin/MiscPrimitivePlugin.a
> Mpeg3Plugin/Mpeg3Plugin.a RePlugin/RePlugin.a
> SecurityPlugin/SecurityPlugin.a SerialPlugin/SerialPlugin.a
> SocketPlugin/SocketPlugin.a SoundCodecPrims/SoundCodecPrims.a
> SoundGenerationPlugin/SoundGenerationPlugin.a
> SoundPlugin/SoundPlugin.a StarSqueakPlugin/StarSqueakPlugin.a
> SurfacePlugin/SurfacePlugin.a -lutil -ldl -lpthread -lm -lnsl
> -lpthread vm/vm.a -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/home/dima/bldcog//lib
> vm/vm.a(sqVirtualMachine.o): In function `sqGetInterpreterProxy':
> /home/dima/src/cogvm/dmg-blessed/platforms/Cross/vm/sqVirtualMachine.c:432:
> undefined reference to `getStackPointer'
> /home/dima/src/cogvm/dmg-blessed/platforms/Cross/vm/sqVirtualMachine.c:476:
> undefined reference to `signalNoResume'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [squeak] Error 1
> I googled for this message; it seems to be already discussed as of
> beginning of June 2011 e. g. in this thread.
> Is this something I just have to wait to be fixed, or is there any
> workaround, e. g. use a different ConfigurationOfCog?

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Mariano Martinez Peck


There are two build processes: using make and cmake. You mixed them. is part of cmake building process, but blessed branch
could contain outdated versions of configuration files.
I will update blessed soon, since build server using my branch for building vms.

+99999 Please, do that.

Please look at Mariano's blog, he documeted well, how build works.

I never tried to use make process with blessed repository. Probably we
should remove it to avoid confusion.

Noooooo. It is the other way around. You SHOULD NOT remove blessed. In fact, we should all try to use blessed.
Every single guy must be able to git bleesed and compile the VM. The official repo is blessed, and there should be the code that work with ConfigurationOfCog.
People should NOT use your own (Igor) branch. That brach should be for you, to do experiments or whatever. Even Hudson must used blessed. That's the only way to know if people (all but you) can still build the VM or not. If hudson fails, all will fail. In this case since Hudson uses your branch, it doesn't help, because everything looks fine but it is not.

For me, I don't care about git, svn or whatever crap. I DO care that someone can download stuff and compile the VM. If we start with "ohh yes, but blessed is outdated and you need XXX version of YYY branch and pharo image ZZZZ" then we will end up with the same problems of squeak vm with svn. So...if you really want to get profit of all your spent time in Cmake, ConfigurationOfCog, etc, then blessed must be always working with its correct ConfigurationOfCog.

Of curse, you can assume that now the official repo is Igor clone. No problem. We update all documentation. But this is useless since blessed is exactly for this.


> Everything compiled fine, but at the linking stage I got:
> squeak disabledPlugins.o version.o -Wl,--export-dynamic  vm/vm.a
> ADPCMCodecPlugin/ADPCMCodecPlugin.a
> AsynchFilePlugin/AsynchFilePlugin.a B2DPlugin/B2DPlugin.a
> BitBltPlugin/BitBltPlugin.a BMPReadWriterPlugin/BMPReadWriterPlugin.a
> CroquetPlugin/CroquetPlugin.a ZipPlugin/ZipPlugin.a
> DropPlugin/DropPlugin.a DSAPrims/DSAPrims.a FFTPlugin/FFTPlugin.a
> FileCopyPlugin/FileCopyPlugin.a FilePlugin/FilePlugin.a
> FloatArrayPlugin/FloatArrayPlugin.a FloatMathPlugin/FloatMathPlugin.a
> IA32ABI/IA32ABI.a JoystickTabletPlugin/JoystickTabletPlugin.a
> JPEGReaderPlugin/JPEGReaderPlugin.a
> JPEGReadWriter2Plugin/JPEGReadWriter2Plugin.a Klatt/Klatt.a
> LargeIntegers/LargeIntegers.a Matrix2x3Plugin/Matrix2x3Plugin.a
> MIDIPlugin/MIDIPlugin.a MiscPrimitivePlugin/MiscPrimitivePlugin.a
> Mpeg3Plugin/Mpeg3Plugin.a RePlugin/RePlugin.a
> SecurityPlugin/SecurityPlugin.a SerialPlugin/SerialPlugin.a
> SocketPlugin/SocketPlugin.a SoundCodecPrims/SoundCodecPrims.a
> SoundGenerationPlugin/SoundGenerationPlugin.a
> SoundPlugin/SoundPlugin.a StarSqueakPlugin/StarSqueakPlugin.a
> SurfacePlugin/SurfacePlugin.a -lutil -ldl -lpthread -lm -lnsl
> -lpthread vm/vm.a -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/home/dima/bldcog//lib
> vm/vm.a(sqVirtualMachine.o): In function `sqGetInterpreterProxy':
> /home/dima/src/cogvm/dmg-blessed/platforms/Cross/vm/sqVirtualMachine.c:432:
> undefined reference to `getStackPointer'
> /home/dima/src/cogvm/dmg-blessed/platforms/Cross/vm/sqVirtualMachine.c:476:
> undefined reference to `signalNoResume'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [squeak] Error 1
> I googled for this message; it seems to be already discussed as of
> beginning of June 2011 e. g. in this thread.
> Is this something I just have to wait to be fixed, or is there any
> workaround, e. g. use a different ConfigurationOfCog?

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.


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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Mariano Martinez Peck
Wait...I hope my email was not agressive. What I wanted to mean is that Igor has been doing a LOT and excellent work with CMake, ConfiurationOfCog, tacking from SVN and putting in GIT, merging them, merging VMMaker, configuration Hudson, etc, etc, etc. So....with just one little last effort (pubishing in blessed apart from Igor clones) would be something extremelly valuable for all guys who just want to build a vm.

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:


There are two build processes: using make and cmake. You mixed them. is part of cmake building process, but blessed branch
could contain outdated versions of configuration files.
I will update blessed soon, since build server using my branch for building vms.

+99999 Please, do that.

Please look at Mariano's blog, he documeted well, how build works.

I never tried to use make process with blessed repository. Probably we
should remove it to avoid confusion.

Noooooo. It is the other way around. You SHOULD NOT remove blessed. In fact, we should all try to use blessed.
Every single guy must be able to git bleesed and compile the VM. The official repo is blessed, and there should be the code that work with ConfigurationOfCog.
People should NOT use your own (Igor) branch. That brach should be for you, to do experiments or whatever. Even Hudson must used blessed. That's the only way to know if people (all but you) can still build the VM or not. If hudson fails, all will fail. In this case since Hudson uses your branch, it doesn't help, because everything looks fine but it is not.

For me, I don't care about git, svn or whatever crap. I DO care that someone can download stuff and compile the VM. If we start with "ohh yes, but blessed is outdated and you need XXX version of YYY branch and pharo image ZZZZ" then we will end up with the same problems of squeak vm with svn. So...if you really want to get profit of all your spent time in Cmake, ConfigurationOfCog, etc, then blessed must be always working with its correct ConfigurationOfCog.

Of curse, you can assume that now the official repo is Igor clone. No problem. We update all documentation. But this is useless since blessed is exactly for this.


> Everything compiled fine, but at the linking stage I got:
> squeak disabledPlugins.o version.o -Wl,--export-dynamic  vm/vm.a
> ADPCMCodecPlugin/ADPCMCodecPlugin.a
> AsynchFilePlugin/AsynchFilePlugin.a B2DPlugin/B2DPlugin.a
> BitBltPlugin/BitBltPlugin.a BMPReadWriterPlugin/BMPReadWriterPlugin.a
> CroquetPlugin/CroquetPlugin.a ZipPlugin/ZipPlugin.a
> DropPlugin/DropPlugin.a DSAPrims/DSAPrims.a FFTPlugin/FFTPlugin.a
> FileCopyPlugin/FileCopyPlugin.a FilePlugin/FilePlugin.a
> FloatArrayPlugin/FloatArrayPlugin.a FloatMathPlugin/FloatMathPlugin.a
> IA32ABI/IA32ABI.a JoystickTabletPlugin/JoystickTabletPlugin.a
> JPEGReaderPlugin/JPEGReaderPlugin.a
> JPEGReadWriter2Plugin/JPEGReadWriter2Plugin.a Klatt/Klatt.a
> LargeIntegers/LargeIntegers.a Matrix2x3Plugin/Matrix2x3Plugin.a
> MIDIPlugin/MIDIPlugin.a MiscPrimitivePlugin/MiscPrimitivePlugin.a
> Mpeg3Plugin/Mpeg3Plugin.a RePlugin/RePlugin.a
> SecurityPlugin/SecurityPlugin.a SerialPlugin/SerialPlugin.a
> SocketPlugin/SocketPlugin.a SoundCodecPrims/SoundCodecPrims.a
> SoundGenerationPlugin/SoundGenerationPlugin.a
> SoundPlugin/SoundPlugin.a StarSqueakPlugin/StarSqueakPlugin.a
> SurfacePlugin/SurfacePlugin.a -lutil -ldl -lpthread -lm -lnsl
> -lpthread vm/vm.a -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/home/dima/bldcog//lib
> vm/vm.a(sqVirtualMachine.o): In function `sqGetInterpreterProxy':
> /home/dima/src/cogvm/dmg-blessed/platforms/Cross/vm/sqVirtualMachine.c:432:
> undefined reference to `getStackPointer'
> /home/dima/src/cogvm/dmg-blessed/platforms/Cross/vm/sqVirtualMachine.c:476:
> undefined reference to `signalNoResume'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [squeak] Error 1
> I googled for this message; it seems to be already discussed as of
> beginning of June 2011 e. g. in this thread.
> Is this something I just have to wait to be fixed, or is there any
> workaround, e. g. use a different ConfigurationOfCog?

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.



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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck

On 4 July 2011 11:19, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

>> >
>> There are two build processes: using make and cmake. You mixed them.
>> is part of cmake building process, but blessed branch
>> could contain outdated versions of configuration files.
>> I will update blessed soon, since build server using my branch for building vms.
> +99999 Please, do that.

$ git push blessed master
Counting objects: 63, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (38/38), done.
Writing objects: 100% (39/39), 3.81 KiB, done.
Total 39 (delta 28), reused 0 (delta 0)
=> Syncing Gitorious... [OK]
To [hidden email]:cogvm/blessed.git
   2d75ba2..0e41141  master -> master


>> Please look at Mariano's blog, he documeted well, how build works.
>> I never tried to use make process with blessed repository. Probably we
>> should remove it to avoid confusion.
> Noooooo. It is the other way around. You SHOULD NOT remove blessed. In fact, we should all try to use blessed.

Its not about removing the whole blessed repository, i was saying
about removing makefiles which is in /unixbuild /macbuild etc. To not
confuse people.
Or making it work, if it can work with ConfigurationOfCog..

> Every single guy must be able to git bleesed and compile the VM. The official repo is blessed, and there should be the code that work with ConfigurationOfCog.
> People should NOT use your own (Igor) branch. That brach should be for you, to do experiments or whatever. Even Hudson must used blessed. That's the only way to know if people (all but you) can still build the VM or not. If hudson fails, all will fail. In this case since Hudson uses your branch, it doesn't help, because everything looks fine but it is not.
> For me, I don't care about git, svn or whatever crap. I DO care that someone can download stuff and compile the VM. If we start with "ohh yes, but blessed is outdated and you need XXX version of YYY branch and pharo image ZZZZ" then we will end up with the same problems of squeak vm with svn. So...if you really want to get profit of all your spent time in Cmake, ConfigurationOfCog, etc, then blessed must be always working with its correct ConfigurationOfCog.
> Of curse, you can assume that now the official repo is Igor clone. No problem. We update all documentation. But this is useless since blessed is exactly for this.

Initially blessed was just to reflect the svn repository. Now it
contains some deltas so, it is not 1:1 copy of svn.
I was using own branch, because i wanted to keep blessed clean (to
track svn sources only), and that's why i didn't set up build system
to use blessed,
because it won't work in such setup.

Esteban proposed to create a branch for to track svn sources
separately, while blessed repository will be used as a public source
of VMs we building/using.
If everyone agrees with such setup, then i can do the changes.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck

On 4 July 2011 11:32, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Wait...I hope my email was not agressive. What I wanted to mean is that Igor has been doing a LOT and excellent work with CMake, ConfiurationOfCog, tacking from SVN and putting in GIT, merging them, merging VMMaker, configuration Hudson, etc, etc, etc. So....with just one little last effort (pubishing in blessed apart from Igor clones) would be something extremelly valuable for all guys who just want to build a vm.

if you know how git works, this is not really a problem.
Suppose that you started by cloning the blessed repo:

git clone git:// blessed
cd blessed

now just add my branch as remote one:

git remote add sig-cog git://

so you can easily do:

git pull sig-cog master

git does the rest :)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko

> +99999 Please, do that.

$ git push blessed master
Counting objects: 63, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (38/38), done.
Writing objects: 100% (39/39), 3.81 KiB, done.
Total 39 (delta 28), reused 0 (delta 0)
=> Syncing Gitorious... [OK]
To [hidden email]:cogvm/blessed.git
  2d75ba2..0e41141  master -> master


Excellent :)

>> Please look at Mariano's blog, he documeted well, how build works.
>> I never tried to use make process with blessed repository. Probably we
>> should remove it to avoid confusion.
> Noooooo. It is the other way around. You SHOULD NOT remove blessed. In fact, we should all try to use blessed.

Its not about removing the whole blessed repository, i was saying
about removing makefiles which is in /unixbuild /macbuild etc. To not
confuse people.
Or making it work, if it can work with ConfigurationOfCog..

ahhhhhhhh  :)

> Every single guy must be able to git bleesed and compile the VM. The official repo is blessed, and there should be the code that work with ConfigurationOfCog.
> People should NOT use your own (Igor) branch. That brach should be for you, to do experiments or whatever. Even Hudson must used blessed. That's the only way to know if people (all but you) can still build the VM or not. If hudson fails, all will fail. In this case since Hudson uses your branch, it doesn't help, because everything looks fine but it is not.
> For me, I don't care about git, svn or whatever crap. I DO care that someone can download stuff and compile the VM. If we start with "ohh yes, but blessed is outdated and you need XXX version of YYY branch and pharo image ZZZZ" then we will end up with the same problems of squeak vm with svn. So...if you really want to get profit of all your spent time in Cmake, ConfigurationOfCog, etc, then blessed must be always working with its correct ConfigurationOfCog.
> Of curse, you can assume that now the official repo is Igor clone. No problem. We update all documentation. But this is useless since blessed is exactly for this.

Initially blessed was just to reflect the svn repository.

ahh I didn't know.
Now it
contains some deltas so, it is not 1:1 copy of svn.
I was using own branch, because i wanted to keep blessed clean (to
track svn sources only), and that's why i didn't set up build system
to use blessed,
because it won't work in such setup.

Esteban proposed to create a branch for to track svn sources
separately, while blessed repository will be used as a public source
of VMs we building/using.
If everyone agrees with such setup, then i can do the changes.

That makes completely sense for me. It would be great to have a specific clone for tracking SVN and let blessed as the official/working clone.
I would LOVE if blessed could always working and in zync with ConfigurationOfCog. So that you never need to worry. Always the same procedure.
And would like also that blessed is the one used for Hudson. Because, as I say, that is the way that people expect to build the VM, so we can easily detect when there is a problem.

Sorry for just giving my thoughts without actually do them. But this is what I can do at the moment.


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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 4 July 2011 11:32, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Wait...I hope my email was not agressive. What I wanted to mean is that Igor has been doing a LOT and excellent work with CMake, ConfiurationOfCog, tacking from SVN and putting in GIT, merging them, merging VMMaker, configuration Hudson, etc, etc, etc. So....with just one little last effort (pubishing in blessed apart from Igor clones) would be something extremelly valuable for all guys who just want to build a vm.

if you know how git works,

But it would be even better if someone can build the VM without needing to know git in details.
this is not really a problem.

More or less.
Suppose that you started by cloning the blessed repo:

git clone git:// blessed
cd blessed

now just add my branch as remote one:

git remote add sig-cog git://

so you can easily do:

git pull sig-cog master

But tehre are problems because this is not the procedure. Where is this writen? imagine a guy trying to build the VM now. In fact, read the first email of this thread. How does he know that he needed to pull your changes? how does he know your repo is sig-cog ?  what if there are problems/changes/conflicts while pulling ?


git does the rest :)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.


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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Igor Stasenko

On 4 July 2011 11:47, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 4 July 2011 11:32, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> >
>> > Wait...I hope my email was not agressive. What I wanted to mean is that Igor has been doing a LOT and excellent work with CMake, ConfiurationOfCog, tacking from SVN and putting in GIT, merging them, merging VMMaker, configuration Hudson, etc, etc, etc. So....with just one little last effort (pubishing in blessed apart from Igor clones) would be something extremelly valuable for all guys who just want to build a vm.
>> >
>> if you know how git works,
> But it would be even better if someone can build the VM without needing to know git in details.
>> this is not really a problem.
> More or less.
>> Suppose that you started by cloning the blessed repo:
>> git clone git:// blessed
>> cd blessed
>> now just add my branch as remote one:
>> git remote add sig-cog git://
>> so you can easily do:
>> git pull sig-cog master
> But tehre are problems because this is not the procedure. Where is this writen? imagine a guy trying to build the VM now. In fact, read the first email of this thread. How does he know that he needed to pull your changes? how does he know your repo is sig-cog ?  what if there are problems/changes/conflicts while pulling ?

Of course, i understand this.
But you know, as someone says: there is nothing more persistent than
temporary :)

I will update hudson to build using blessed repo.

>> git does the rest :)
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
> --
> Mariano

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Mariano Martinez Peck

> But tehre are problems because this is not the procedure. Where is this writen? imagine a guy trying to build the VM now. In fact, read the first email of this thread. How does he know that he needed to pull your changes? how does he know your repo is sig-cog ?  what if there are problems/changes/conflicts while pulling ?

Of course, i understand this.
But you know, as someone says: there is nothing more persistent than
temporary :)

heheheheheh  yes I know it.    I work 3 years in industry before PhD hehehe  ;)

I will update hudson to build using blessed repo.

I was thinking that even if from the user point of view, this would be awesome, maybe it is not very good for you, VM developers? I can imagine that you do changes and you want to test whether it is working or not. So maybe Hudson helps you. But in that case you can build it locally (without hudson) with your clone, and when it is working, you commit on blessed.

what do you think?  
>> git does the rest :)
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
> --
> Mariano

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.


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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck

On 04.07.2011, at 11:47, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 4 July 2011 11:32, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Wait...I hope my email was not agressive. What I wanted to mean is that Igor has been doing a LOT and excellent work with CMake, ConfiurationOfCog, tacking from SVN and putting in GIT, merging them, merging VMMaker, configuration Hudson, etc, etc, etc. So....with just one little last effort (pubishing in blessed apart from Igor clones) would be something extremelly valuable for all guys who just want to build a vm.

if you know how git works,

But it would be even better if someone can build the VM without needing to know git in details.

For that, the canonical way is to put tarball releases in an official place. Tarballs is e.g. what Linux package maintainers work off.

- Bert -

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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Igor Stasenko

On 4 July 2011 12:37, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 04.07.2011, at 11:47, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 4 July 2011 11:32, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> >
>> > Wait...I hope my email was not agressive. What I wanted to mean is that Igor has been doing a LOT and excellent work with CMake, ConfiurationOfCog, tacking from SVN and putting in GIT, merging them, merging VMMaker, configuration Hudson, etc, etc, etc. So....with just one little last effort (pubishing in blessed apart from Igor clones) would be something extremelly valuable for all guys who just want to build a vm.
>> >
>> if you know how git works,
> But it would be even better if someone can build the VM without needing to know git in details.
> For that, the canonical way is to put tarball releases in an official place. Tarballs is e.g. what Linux package maintainers work off.

Hudson produces sources tarball each time it builds VM.
So, you have only to untar, cd to build
cmake .

> - Bert -

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Igor Stasenko
OK, i changed settings on the build server. Now it builds using
blessed repository.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious


well... I disagree with that.
Hudson server is for us, not for regular users. I does not has any value if we cannot check it agains our branch. I discussed this with Mariano many times... also, it doesn't has a any value if we cannot check it with latest sources (that's why my branch has "bleedingEdge" configured to build versions).

maybe we need to create ALSO a "build with blessed" hudson config (and that one can be made with numbers instead bleedingEdge). But I want my build checking with my branch :P
(I know, you didn't change my builds, just yours... I'm just telling why I will not change mine, he)


El 04/07/2011, a las 9:52a.m., Igor Stasenko escribió:

> OK, i changed settings on the build server. Now it builds using
> blessed repository.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck

El 04/07/2011, a las 6:43a.m., Mariano Martinez Peck escribió:

Esteban proposed to create a branch for to track svn sources
separately, while blessed repository will be used as a public source
of VMs we building/using.
If everyone agrees with such setup, then i can do the changes.

That makes completely sense for me. It would be great to have a specific clone for tracking SVN and let blessed as the official/working clone.
I would LOVE if blessed could always working and in zync with ConfigurationOfCog. So that you never need to worry. Always the same procedure.
And would like also that blessed is the one used for Hudson. Because, as I say, that is the way that people expect to build the VM, so we can easily detect when there is a problem.

Sorry for just giving my thoughts without actually do them. But this is what I can do at the moment.

+1 (of course, that was my proposal ;) 
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by EstebanLM

On 4 July 2011 15:08, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
> well... I disagree with that.
> Hudson server is for us, not for regular users. I does not has any value if we cannot check it agains our branch. I discussed this with Mariano many times... also, it doesn't has a any value if we cannot check it with latest sources (that's why my branch has "bleedingEdge" configured to build versions).
> maybe we need to create ALSO a "build with blessed" hudson config (and that one can be made with numbers instead bleedingEdge). But I want my build checking with my branch :P
> (I know, you didn't change my builds, just yours... I'm just telling why I will not change mine, he)

I don't see any problems.
Can you add jobs to build cocoa vms using blessed repository?

So, you can commit things locally and then they will be built using
yours, and when everything is working , you push to blessed and it
builds VM to check everything is ok.

> cheers,
> Esteban
> El 04/07/2011, a las 9:52a.m., Igor Stasenko escribió:
>> OK, i changed settings on the build server. Now it builds using
>> blessed repository.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Bert Freudenberg

On 04.07.2011, at 15:26, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> On 4 July 2011 15:08, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> well... I disagree with that.
>> Hudson server is for us, not for regular users. I does not has any value if we cannot check it agains our branch. I discussed this with Mariano many times... also, it doesn't has a any value if we cannot check it with latest sources (that's why my branch has "bleedingEdge" configured to build versions).
>> maybe we need to create ALSO a "build with blessed" hudson config (and that one can be made with numbers instead bleedingEdge). But I want my build checking with my branch :P
>> (I know, you didn't change my builds, just yours... I'm just telling why I will not change mine, he)
> I don't see any problems.
> Can you add jobs to build cocoa vms using blessed repository?
> So, you can commit things locally and then they will be built using
> yours, and when everything is working , you push to blessed and it
> builds VM to check everything is ok.
> Righ?

Speaking of which - how could someone like me add a new project to hudson?

- Bert -

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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 4 July 2011 15:08, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
> well... I disagree with that.
> Hudson server is for us, not for regular users. I does not has any value if we cannot check it agains our branch. I discussed this with Mariano many times... also, it doesn't has a any value if we cannot check it with latest sources (that's why my branch has "bleedingEdge" configured to build versions).
> maybe we need to create ALSO a "build with blessed" hudson config (and that one can be made with numbers instead bleedingEdge). But I want my build checking with my branch :P
> (I know, you didn't change my builds, just yours... I'm just telling why I will not change mine, he)

I don't see any problems.
Can you add jobs to build cocoa vms using blessed repository?

So, you can commit things locally and then they will be built using
yours, and when everything is working , you push to blessed and it
builds VM to check everything is ok.

Exactly. That's what we always come to when I discussed with Esteban. The only "problem" here is that we will have to duplicate Hudson projects: one for stable versions for final users and related to bleesed;  and one for VM developers/maintainers  which can be unstable and it is related to a clone of someone


> cheers,
> Esteban
> El 04/07/2011, a las 9:52a.m., Igor Stasenko escribió:
>> OK, i changed settings on the build server. Now it builds using
>> blessed repository.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.


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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Igor Stasenko

On 4 July 2011 23:40, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 4 July 2011 15:08, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> >
>> > well... I disagree with that.
>> > Hudson server is for us, not for regular users. I does not has any value if we cannot check it agains our branch. I discussed this with Mariano many times... also, it doesn't has a any value if we cannot check it with latest sources (that's why my branch has "bleedingEdge" configured to build versions).
>> >
>> > maybe we need to create ALSO a "build with blessed" hudson config (and that one can be made with numbers instead bleedingEdge). But I want my build checking with my branch :P
>> > (I know, you didn't change my builds, just yours... I'm just telling why I will not change mine, he)
>> >
>> I don't see any problems.
>> Can you add jobs to build cocoa vms using blessed repository?
>> So, you can commit things locally and then they will be built using
>> yours, and when everything is working , you push to blessed and it
>> builds VM to check everything is ok.
>> Righ?
> Exactly. That's what we always come to when I discussed with Esteban. The only "problem" here is that we will have to duplicate Hudson projects: one for stable versions for final users and related to bleesed;  and one for VM developers/maintainers  which can be unstable and it is related to a clone of someone

Yes, its not a big deal to set up couple more jobs.
What i like, that we can be really flexible with git, and use multiple
repositories, if needed.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: Cannot build Cog from the "blessed" repo at Gitorious

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 4 July 2011 23:40, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 4 July 2011 15:08, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> >
>> > well... I disagree with that.
>> > Hudson server is for us, not for regular users. I does not has any value if we cannot check it agains our branch. I discussed this with Mariano many times... also, it doesn't has a any value if we cannot check it with latest sources (that's why my branch has "bleedingEdge" configured to build versions).
>> >
>> > maybe we need to create ALSO a "build with blessed" hudson config (and that one can be made with numbers instead bleedingEdge). But I want my build checking with my branch :P
>> > (I know, you didn't change my builds, just yours... I'm just telling why I will not change mine, he)
>> >
>> I don't see any problems.
>> Can you add jobs to build cocoa vms using blessed repository?
>> So, you can commit things locally and then they will be built using
>> yours, and when everything is working , you push to blessed and it
>> builds VM to check everything is ok.
>> Righ?
> Exactly. That's what we always come to when I discussed with Esteban. The only "problem" here is that we will have to duplicate Hudson projects: one for stable versions for final users and related to bleesed;  and one for VM developers/maintainers  which can be unstable and it is related to a clone of someone

Yes, its not a big deal to set up couple more jobs.
What i like, that we can be really flexible with git, and use multiple
repositories, if needed.

Excellent. Let's go that way then :)
