Cannot store into ReadOnlyBinding?

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Cannot store into ReadOnlyBinding?

Chris Muller-3
I need to be able to substitute the value of a Binding.  Did
Environments change this?  What purpose does a rigid ReadOnly binding
serve?  This blows me out of the water.

Shouldn't something like Environments be put in at the _beginning_
rather than the end of a release cycle?

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Re: Cannot store into ReadOnlyBinding?

Colin Putney-3
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I need to be able to substitute the value of a Binding.  Did
> Environments change this?  What purpose does a rigid ReadOnly binding
> serve?  This blows me out of the water.

Relax. This is related to Environments, yes. I made environments use
read-only bindings for classes, after a discussion here concluded that
it was the correct behaviour. (Can't find the thread, ATM though.) If
it's *not* the correct behaviour, it can be changed. If it's
preventing non-class globals from being altered, it's a bug, and can
be fixed. And even if neither of those things is true you can always
catch the exception and resume it:

[Array := nil]
   on: AttemptToWriteReadOnlyGlobal
   do: [:n | n resume: true]

> Shouldn't something like Environments be put in at the _beginning_
> rather than the end of a release cycle?

If we're at the end of a release cycle that's news to me. What's the schedule?


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Re: Cannot store into ReadOnlyBinding?

Chris Muller-3
> If we're at the end of a release cycle that's news to me. What's the schedule?

We're both in touch with the community vibe enough to know we don't
need a schedule to know we're certainly in the final half, if not the
final third at least, of this cycle.

But I trust your judgement, if you believe it's safe enough to put
Environments in trunk at this stage then I trust it's good enough for
your, my and the community's production images.  The release schedule
should ensure to give everyone ample time to flush out the issues.

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Re: Cannot store into ReadOnlyBinding?

Hannes Hirzel
I actually think as well that going for Environments towards the end
of the release cycle is a bit risky. However as having this something
like Environments (name spaces) is long overdue I did not say anything
at all. And Colin splits it up into two parts. Preparation work in
4.4. and extensions in 4.5 (OmniBrowser support I assume)

I very much welcome having Environments. It will open up options which
are obvious but of which we did not think anymore because we got used
to the idea of being stuck.

Colin, thank you very much indeed, that you took the plunge...


On 7/28/12, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:

>> If we're at the end of a release cycle that's news to me. What's the
>> schedule?
> We're both in touch with the community vibe enough to know we don't
> need a schedule to know we're certainly in the final half, if not the
> final third at least, of this cycle.
> But I trust your judgement, if you believe it's safe enough to put
> Environments in trunk at this stage then I trust it's good enough for
> your, my and the community's production images.  The release schedule
> should ensure to give everyone ample time to flush out the issues.