Hi, I probably should introduce myself before hitting you with some new questions. I've been developing a website with games written in Java, and decided that it was too slow to develop each new game, hence the interest in Squeak. As I live on a French Alp, I have plenty of time for coding during the off season.
My current project to teach myself Squeak is an experiment with genetic/evolution algorithm.
Because of the randomness, I need to be able to catch antisocial processes. I thought I could do this with CPUWatcher:
CPUWatcher startMonitoringPeriod: 20
rate: 100
threshold: 0.3
or by starting with the defaults in ProcessBrowser.
Then put the system into a loop:
!Darwin methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ss 12/6/2007 18:21'! intentionalRunaway self intentionalRunaway! !
[Darwin new intentionalRunaway] forkAt: 30 named: 'runaway'
or just
Darwin new intentionalRunaway
I expected this to be caught by catchThePig, but it doesn't appear to find it.
My O/S is Ubuntu 7.10, and the result was the same under Windows XP SP/2.
Have I misunderstood the function of ProcessBrowser/CPUWatcher/catchThePig?
Thanks, ...Stan