Change in MCCacheRepository that affects Metacello loading

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Change in MCCacheRepository that affects Metacello loading

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi Dale.
renames MCCacheRepository #default to #uniqueInstance. Therefore, to be able to bootstrap Metacello we need to change:

ConfigurationOfMetacello class >> bootstrapPackage: aString from: aPath 
| repository version |
repository := (MCCacheRepository uniqueInstance includesVersionNamed: aString)
ifTrue: [MCCacheRepository uniqueInstance]
ifFalse: [MCHttpRepository
location: aPath
user: ''
password: ''].
versionReaderForFileNamed: aString , '.mcz'
do: [:reader | 
version := reader version.
version load.
version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository]

I could commit, but I don't want to break Metacello loading in other images and I don't know how do you handle these cases.

