ChooserTool is now ListChooser

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ChooserTool is now ListChooser

Chris Muller-5
Sorry for the package blitz, but it was necessary to integrate the
great new ListChooser tool from Michael Davies.  This is actually his
latest NewListChooser based on the ToolBuilder model.

Please let me know if any problems.

Michael, thanks again, this enhancement will make a difference.  My
thought is, for only between now and the end of the year, and only for
ME, this could save me probably an hour or two hours of time that
would have been spent inside ChooserTool, because now instead of
spending ~5-10 seconds in the list each time, I'm only spending ~1-3,
and not really even needing to look at it much to boot!  Multiply by
other people and those seconds and energies really add up.
