Choosing words carefully (was Re: FileSystem)

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Choosing words carefully (was Re: FileSystem)

Frank Shearar-3
On 24 May 2013 09:58, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Pharo has nearly emptied the open source Smalltalk room of oxygen,

This was a poor choice of words. I meant to convey the relative
strength in terms of resources that Pharo has, compared to Squeak, and
suggest that we might spend our efforts more wisely in just picking up
what they've done - where suitable - rather than being different for
the sake of difference.

I see that my words could be misconstrued as showing animosity towards
Pharo. I do not feel this way. I _like_ Pharo.

My apologies to anyone whom I might have offended.


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Re: Choosing words carefully (was Re: FileSystem)

Sean P. DeNigris
Frank Shearar-3 wrote
I see that my words could be misconstrued as showing animosity towards
Pharo. I do not feel this way. I _like_ Pharo.
FWIW, it's always been clear to me that you are a great friend to both the Squeak and Pharo communities.