Code generator minor bug

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Code generator minor bug

David T. Lewis
Hi Eliot,

This is to follow up on a code generator buglet that that I partially fixed
in VMMaker-dtl.250, and that you will want to apply in some form to oscog.
I'm attaching a change set with the VMMaker-dtl.250 version.

>From the preamble:

CCodeGenerator>> addMethodFor:selector: relies on the unspecified return
value of #addMethod (thus a CCodeGenerator, not a TMethod), then attempts
to disable inlining of the method by sending #inline: to the presumed
TMethod (actually a CCodeGenerator at this point), but #inline: is actually
a no-op in Object, so nothing happens at all.

This is the implementation from VMMaker-dtl.250, which should be applied
to oscog, possibly without the #hasDoNotGenerateStatement check, and possibly
after implementing the originally intended inline: false for macros.
