Cog FreeBSD patches

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Re: Cog FreeBSD patches

Frank Shearar
On 2011/03/23 17:55, David Graham wrote:
> Hi Igor,
> A cog vm binary is located at /usr/home/hudson/cogvm/bin/squeak. I also set the SQUEAKVM var.
> I'm a very recent convert to smalltalk (about a month now), but I'll look into the package you reference.  I've been building the traditional way following the instructions in unixbuild/HowToBuild.  BTW, I'm still working on build issues (got the UUID plugin compiling this morning, now looking at sound).
> Hi Frank,
> The vm I have uploaded at might work for you, otherwise cogvm r2373 currently builds on 32bit FreeBSD with the following:

It complains that it can't find, which is understandable
because I only have

I'll try some more with getting it to build from source this evening. I
have managed to do it before, last December.


> #Install the subversion-freebsd port/package
> mkdir cogsrc
> cd cd cogsrc
> svn co
> svn co
> svn co
> cd unixbuild/bld
> # No ports/packages are needed for a minimal headless install:
> ../../platforms/unix/config/configure CFLAGS="-g -O2 -msse2 -DNDEBUG -DITIMER_HEARTBEAT=1 -DNO_VM_PROFILE=1 -DCOGMTVM=0 -DNOEXECINFO -DDEBUGVM=0" LIBS=-pthread --without-x --without-gl --without-npsqueak
> # If you have a desktop system with X installed:
> ../../platforms/unix/config/configure CFLAGS="-g -O2 -msse2 -DNDEBUG -DITIMER_HEARTBEAT=1 -DNO_VM_PROFILE=1 -DCOGMTVM=0 -DNOEXECINFO -DDEBUGVM=0" LIBS=-pthread --without-npsqueak
> make install prefix=$HOME/cogvm
> On Mar 23, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> On 23 March 2011 17:48, Frank Shearar<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>> Oh, OK - I thought the slaves were precisely for building the VMs!
>>> I don't have a VM running on the machine at all at the moment.
>>> What do I need to do to get one running?
>> Follow instructions here:
>> Download this tarball:
>> And then replace build directory contents with attached  .zip file
>> then
>> cd build
>> cmake .
>> make
>> and in
>> build/results
>> you will have StackVM and its modules.
>>> frank
>>> On 2011/03/23 16:30, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>> Oh.. forgot to say,
>>>> i need a running VM there to use it for generating stuff before build.
>>>> Actually i could generate everything at one of our hosts, and then at
>>>> FreeBSD slave just run cmake / make
>>>> But right now it works like that :)
>>>> So, please provide me a full path to existing VM installed in your
>>>> system(s),
>>>> like
>>>> /usr/bin/squeak etc.
>>>> Or set environment var SQUEAKVM for hudson user.
>>>> On 23 March 2011 17:27, Igor Stasenko<[hidden email]>   wrote:
>>>>> I configured both slaves,
>>>>> and David's is up and running now.
>>>>> Frank's one seems like down?
>>>>> ssh says that connection refused on port 22.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
>> <>