CogDroid: first public alpha available for testing

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CogDroid: first public alpha available for testing

Dimitry Golubovsky

Stefan Krecher wrote:

> Does networking have a priority in your port?

I got sockets to work: the problem was in proper polling, so socket
handlers can be run. See [1]. I can open Monticello repos and install
packages on the tablet for example, but compilation may appear slow
(depending on the CPU of course).

> Tried your port on Samsung Galaxy S I9000 with Android 2.2 but got
> only a blank/ black screen. But this is no tablet, it's a cell-phone

Did you place the image, sources, changes anywhere underneath of your
sdcard root mount point? Do you see a list of images when you start
the application?

Does the previous version (of Apr
11, 2011) behave same way?

You may download this file: (this is a
Squeak 3.9 image) and unpack it on your sdcard. See

BTW this should work with new VM as well, and progress indicators are
much better animated.

The images would be looked under whatever
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() returns
plus few hardcoded paths in the application XML resources descriptor
file. The code (same as in the previous Squeak VM) is in

see functions File[] findImageFiles(String[] dirs) and File[]
findImages(String dir)

Also see the file /sdcard/jni.log - does it contain anything?

Please let me know.



Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web