Stefan Krecher wrote:
> Does networking have a priority in your port?
I got sockets to work: the problem was in proper polling, so socket
handlers can be run. See [1]. I can open Monticello repos and install
packages on the tablet for example, but compilation may appear slow
(depending on the CPU of course).
> Tried your port on Samsung Galaxy S I9000 with Android 2.2 but got
> only a blank/ black screen. But this is no tablet, it's a cell-phone
Did you place the image, sources, changes anywhere underneath of your
sdcard root mount point? Do you see a list of images when you start
the application?
Does the previous version
http://squeakvm-tablet.googlecode.com/files/sqandr_pres.apk (of Apr
11, 2011) behave same way?
You may download this file:
http://squeakvm-tablet.googlecode.com/files/sqandr_pres.zip (this is a
Squeak 3.9 image) and unpack it on your sdcard. See
http://code.google.com/p/squeakvm-tablet/wiki/TestDriveBTW this should work with new VM as well, and progress indicators are
much better animated.
The images would be looked under whatever
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() returns
plus few hardcoded paths in the application XML resources descriptor
file. The code (same as in the previous Squeak VM) is in
http://gitorious.org/~golubovsky/cogvm/dmg-blessed/blobs/master/platforms/android/project/src/org/cog/android/CogActivity.javasee functions File[] findImageFiles(String[] dirs) and File[]
findImages(String dir)
Also see the file /sdcard/jni.log - does it contain anything?
Please let me know.
Dimitry Golubovsky
Anywhere on the Web