CogVM crash when printing related to #cannotInterpret:

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CogVM crash when printing related to #cannotInterpret:

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi Eliot. I am testing your very last VM r2496, CogMT in Mac OS 10.6.8. I am using the trick of #cannotInterpret: and I discover a problem with it. Basically, it is when doing something like this:

MyProxy >> cannotInterpret: aMessage

Error signal: 'ups...'.

In this case, the debugger comes in but after one or 2 times I press in the debugger line of #cannotInterpret: (to debug it), it crashes. As far as I could see with gdb, the problem is in MethodContext >> #printDetails:
If I comment the contents of such method, I have no crash at all. I think that in this scenario where I throw an arror inside #cannotInterpret can reach a situation where you don't have temps or values or receiver or something and that's why it crash.
Furthermore, previous VM version, do NOT have this problem.

I will try to dig a little more, but if you give me a hint, I appreciate it.

Here is the bt and the stack:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000026
0x000d8356 in methodHasCogMethod ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000d8356 in methodHasCogMethod ()
#1  0x000c7899 in cogPICSelectornumArgsCase0MethodCase1MethodtagisMNUCase ()
#2  0x000d6eea in ceSICMiss ()
#3  0x13ffc35c in ?? ()
#4  0x00107a05 in threadSchedulingLoop ()
#5  0x00108c38 in initStackPagesAndInterpret ()
#6  0x0005d964 in EventLoopEventHandler ()
#7  0x98c66c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#8  0x98c65ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#9  0x98c65d55 in SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions ()
#10 0x98c9aa24 in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler ()
#11 0x98c67080 in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#12 0x98c65ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#13 0x98c887f3 in SendEventToEventTarget ()
#14 0x98e11c17 in ToolboxEventDispatcher ()
#15 0x98e11d4f in RunApplicationEventLoop ()
#16 0x0005d18a in RunApplicationEventLoopWithSqueak ()
#17 0x0006ebf7 in main ()

(gdb) call (int) printAllStacks()
Process 0x171793f8 priority 40
0xbff69d64 M [] in MethodContext>printDetails: 387422092: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69d80 M BlockClosure>on:do: 388720820: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69da0 M BlockClosure>ifError: 388720820: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69dc8 M MethodContext>printDetails: 387422092: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69df0 M MethodContext(ContextPart)>errorReportOn: 387418688: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69e1c I [] in SmalltalkImage>logError:inContext: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69e48 I [] in SmalltalkImage>logDuring: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69e68 M BlockClosure>ensure: 388309644: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69e90 I SmalltalkImage>logDuring: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69eb4 I SmalltalkImage>logError:inContext: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69ef0 M [] in MorphicUIManager>openDebuggerOn:context:label:contents:fullView: 338485116: a(n) MorphicUIManager
0xbff69f0c M BlockClosure>on:do: 387421948: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69f44 M [] in MorphicUIManager>openDebuggerOn:context:label:contents:fullView: 338485116: a(n) MorphicUIManager
0xbff69f64 M WorldState>runStepMethodsIn: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69f80 M PasteUpMorph>runStepMethods 338272244: a(n) PasteUpMorph
0xbff69f98 M WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69fb4 M WorldState>doOneCycleFor: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69fd0 M PasteUpMorph>doOneCycle 338272244: a(n) PasteUpMorph
0xbff69ff0 I [] in Project class>spawnNewProcess 338672796: a(n) Project class
0xbff6a010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387420956: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x1711e7fc priority 50
0xbff5ffd0 M WeakArray class>finalizationProcess 337425280: a(n) WeakArray class
0xbff5fff0 I [] in WeakArray class>restartFinalizationProcess 337425280: a(n) WeakArray class
0xbff60010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387049248: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x14a27698 priority 80
0xbff60ff0 M Delay class>handleTimerEvent 337430620: a(n) Delay class
0xbff61010 I Delay class>? 337430620: a(n) Delay class
346191180 s [] in Delay class>?
346191416 s [] in BlockClosure>?

Process 0x15d37dd0 priority 40
366182080 s [] in SHTextStylerST80(SHTextStyler)>styleInBackgroundProcess:
366181744 s [] in BlockClosure>newProcess

Process 0x166a5108 priority 60
0xbff61fd0 I SmalltalkImage>lowSpaceWatcher 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff61ff0 I [] in SmalltalkImage>installLowSpaceWatcher 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff62010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 376066092: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x1711c3d8 priority 60
0xbff64f50 M [] in Delay>wait 387040292: a(n) Delay
0xbff64f70 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 387932080: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff64f8c M Delay>wait 387040292: a(n) Delay
0xbff64fa4 M InputEventPollingFetcher>waitForInput 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff64fd0 I InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>eventLoop 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff64ff0 I [] in InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>installEventLoop 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff65010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387039996: a(n) BlockClosure

processes at priority 10
Process 0x166a52d4 priority 10
0xbff63fd0 M ProcessorScheduler class>idleProcess 337424860: a(n) ProcessorScheduler class
0xbff63ff0 I [] in ProcessorScheduler class>startUp 337424860: a(n) ProcessorScheduler class
0xbff64010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 376066552: a(n) BlockClosure
$1 = 0

Thanks in advance,


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Re: CogVM crash when printing related to #cannotInterpret:

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Mariano,

    can you create an image that exhibits the crash from start-up?  If so, please email it to me and I'll fix this asap.

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 2:35 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Eliot. I am testing your very last VM r2496, CogMT in Mac OS 10.6.8. I am using the trick of #cannotInterpret: and I discover a problem with it. Basically, it is when doing something like this:

MyProxy >> cannotInterpret: aMessage

Error signal: 'ups...'.

In this case, the debugger comes in but after one or 2 times I press in the debugger line of #cannotInterpret: (to debug it), it crashes. As far as I could see with gdb, the problem is in MethodContext >> #printDetails:
If I comment the contents of such method, I have no crash at all. I think that in this scenario where I throw an arror inside #cannotInterpret can reach a situation where you don't have temps or values or receiver or something and that's why it crash.
Furthermore, previous VM version, do NOT have this problem.

I will try to dig a little more, but if you give me a hint, I appreciate it.

Here is the bt and the stack:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000026
0x000d8356 in methodHasCogMethod ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000d8356 in methodHasCogMethod ()
#1  0x000c7899 in cogPICSelectornumArgsCase0MethodCase1MethodtagisMNUCase ()
#2  0x000d6eea in ceSICMiss ()
#3  0x13ffc35c in ?? ()
#4  0x00107a05 in threadSchedulingLoop ()
#5  0x00108c38 in initStackPagesAndInterpret ()
#6  0x0005d964 in EventLoopEventHandler ()
#7  0x98c66c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#8  0x98c65ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#9  0x98c65d55 in SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions ()
#10 0x98c9aa24 in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler ()
#11 0x98c67080 in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#12 0x98c65ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#13 0x98c887f3 in SendEventToEventTarget ()
#14 0x98e11c17 in ToolboxEventDispatcher ()
#15 0x98e11d4f in RunApplicationEventLoop ()
#16 0x0005d18a in RunApplicationEventLoopWithSqueak ()
#17 0x0006ebf7 in main ()

(gdb) call (int) printAllStacks()
Process 0x171793f8 priority 40
0xbff69d64 M [] in MethodContext>printDetails: 387422092: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69d80 M BlockClosure>on:do: 388720820: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69da0 M BlockClosure>ifError: 388720820: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69dc8 M MethodContext>printDetails: 387422092: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69df0 M MethodContext(ContextPart)>errorReportOn: 387418688: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69e1c I [] in SmalltalkImage>logError:inContext: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69e48 I [] in SmalltalkImage>logDuring: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69e68 M BlockClosure>ensure: 388309644: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69e90 I SmalltalkImage>logDuring: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69eb4 I SmalltalkImage>logError:inContext: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69ef0 M [] in MorphicUIManager>openDebuggerOn:context:label:contents:fullView: 338485116: a(n) MorphicUIManager
0xbff69f0c M BlockClosure>on:do: 387421948: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69f44 M [] in MorphicUIManager>openDebuggerOn:context:label:contents:fullView: 338485116: a(n) MorphicUIManager
0xbff69f64 M WorldState>runStepMethodsIn: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69f80 M PasteUpMorph>runStepMethods 338272244: a(n) PasteUpMorph
0xbff69f98 M WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69fb4 M WorldState>doOneCycleFor: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69fd0 M PasteUpMorph>doOneCycle 338272244: a(n) PasteUpMorph
0xbff69ff0 I [] in Project class>spawnNewProcess 338672796: a(n) Project class
0xbff6a010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387420956: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x1711e7fc priority 50
0xbff5ffd0 M WeakArray class>finalizationProcess 337425280: a(n) WeakArray class
0xbff5fff0 I [] in WeakArray class>restartFinalizationProcess 337425280: a(n) WeakArray class
0xbff60010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387049248: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x14a27698 priority 80
0xbff60ff0 M Delay class>handleTimerEvent 337430620: a(n) Delay class
0xbff61010 I Delay class>? 337430620: a(n) Delay class
346191180 s [] in Delay class>?
346191416 s [] in BlockClosure>?

Process 0x15d37dd0 priority 40
366182080 s [] in SHTextStylerST80(SHTextStyler)>styleInBackgroundProcess:
366181744 s [] in BlockClosure>newProcess

Process 0x166a5108 priority 60
0xbff61fd0 I SmalltalkImage>lowSpaceWatcher 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff61ff0 I [] in SmalltalkImage>installLowSpaceWatcher 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff62010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 376066092: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x1711c3d8 priority 60
0xbff64f50 M [] in Delay>wait 387040292: a(n) Delay
0xbff64f70 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 387932080: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff64f8c M Delay>wait 387040292: a(n) Delay
0xbff64fa4 M InputEventPollingFetcher>waitForInput 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff64fd0 I InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>eventLoop 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff64ff0 I [] in InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>installEventLoop 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff65010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387039996: a(n) BlockClosure

processes at priority 10
Process 0x166a52d4 priority 10
0xbff63fd0 M ProcessorScheduler class>idleProcess 337424860: a(n) ProcessorScheduler class
0xbff63ff0 I [] in ProcessorScheduler class>startUp 337424860: a(n) ProcessorScheduler class
0xbff64010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 376066552: a(n) BlockClosure
$1 = 0

Thanks in advance,



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Re: CogVM crash when printing related to #cannotInterpret:

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Mariano,

    can you create an image that exhibits the crash from start-up?  If so, please email it to me and I'll fix this asap.

Eliot, by start-up you mean start-up list or I can just prepare the image with a test you can run?
Thanks a lot!


On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 2:35 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Eliot. I am testing your very last VM r2496, CogMT in Mac OS 10.6.8. I am using the trick of #cannotInterpret: and I discover a problem with it. Basically, it is when doing something like this:

MyProxy >> cannotInterpret: aMessage

Error signal: 'ups...'.

In this case, the debugger comes in but after one or 2 times I press in the debugger line of #cannotInterpret: (to debug it), it crashes. As far as I could see with gdb, the problem is in MethodContext >> #printDetails:
If I comment the contents of such method, I have no crash at all. I think that in this scenario where I throw an arror inside #cannotInterpret can reach a situation where you don't have temps or values or receiver or something and that's why it crash.
Furthermore, previous VM version, do NOT have this problem.

I will try to dig a little more, but if you give me a hint, I appreciate it.

Here is the bt and the stack:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000026
0x000d8356 in methodHasCogMethod ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000d8356 in methodHasCogMethod ()
#1  0x000c7899 in cogPICSelectornumArgsCase0MethodCase1MethodtagisMNUCase ()
#2  0x000d6eea in ceSICMiss ()
#3  0x13ffc35c in ?? ()
#4  0x00107a05 in threadSchedulingLoop ()
#5  0x00108c38 in initStackPagesAndInterpret ()
#6  0x0005d964 in EventLoopEventHandler ()
#7  0x98c66c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#8  0x98c65ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#9  0x98c65d55 in SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions ()
#10 0x98c9aa24 in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler ()
#11 0x98c67080 in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#12 0x98c65ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#13 0x98c887f3 in SendEventToEventTarget ()
#14 0x98e11c17 in ToolboxEventDispatcher ()
#15 0x98e11d4f in RunApplicationEventLoop ()
#16 0x0005d18a in RunApplicationEventLoopWithSqueak ()
#17 0x0006ebf7 in main ()

(gdb) call (int) printAllStacks()
Process 0x171793f8 priority 40
0xbff69d64 M [] in MethodContext>printDetails: 387422092: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69d80 M BlockClosure>on:do: 388720820: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69da0 M BlockClosure>ifError: 388720820: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69dc8 M MethodContext>printDetails: 387422092: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69df0 M MethodContext(ContextPart)>errorReportOn: 387418688: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69e1c I [] in SmalltalkImage>logError:inContext: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69e48 I [] in SmalltalkImage>logDuring: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69e68 M BlockClosure>ensure: 388309644: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69e90 I SmalltalkImage>logDuring: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69eb4 I SmalltalkImage>logError:inContext: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69ef0 M [] in MorphicUIManager>openDebuggerOn:context:label:contents:fullView: 338485116: a(n) MorphicUIManager
0xbff69f0c M BlockClosure>on:do: 387421948: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69f44 M [] in MorphicUIManager>openDebuggerOn:context:label:contents:fullView: 338485116: a(n) MorphicUIManager
0xbff69f64 M WorldState>runStepMethodsIn: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69f80 M PasteUpMorph>runStepMethods 338272244: a(n) PasteUpMorph
0xbff69f98 M WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69fb4 M WorldState>doOneCycleFor: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69fd0 M PasteUpMorph>doOneCycle 338272244: a(n) PasteUpMorph
0xbff69ff0 I [] in Project class>spawnNewProcess 338672796: a(n) Project class
0xbff6a010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387420956: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x1711e7fc priority 50
0xbff5ffd0 M WeakArray class>finalizationProcess 337425280: a(n) WeakArray class
0xbff5fff0 I [] in WeakArray class>restartFinalizationProcess 337425280: a(n) WeakArray class
0xbff60010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387049248: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x14a27698 priority 80
0xbff60ff0 M Delay class>handleTimerEvent 337430620: a(n) Delay class
0xbff61010 I Delay class>? 337430620: a(n) Delay class
346191180 s [] in Delay class>?
346191416 s [] in BlockClosure>?

Process 0x15d37dd0 priority 40
366182080 s [] in SHTextStylerST80(SHTextStyler)>styleInBackgroundProcess:
366181744 s [] in BlockClosure>newProcess

Process 0x166a5108 priority 60
0xbff61fd0 I SmalltalkImage>lowSpaceWatcher 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff61ff0 I [] in SmalltalkImage>installLowSpaceWatcher 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff62010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 376066092: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x1711c3d8 priority 60
0xbff64f50 M [] in Delay>wait 387040292: a(n) Delay
0xbff64f70 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 387932080: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff64f8c M Delay>wait 387040292: a(n) Delay
0xbff64fa4 M InputEventPollingFetcher>waitForInput 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff64fd0 I InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>eventLoop 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff64ff0 I [] in InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>installEventLoop 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff65010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387039996: a(n) BlockClosure

processes at priority 10
Process 0x166a52d4 priority 10
0xbff63fd0 M ProcessorScheduler class>idleProcess 337424860: a(n) ProcessorScheduler class
0xbff63ff0 I [] in ProcessorScheduler class>startUp 337424860: a(n) ProcessorScheduler class
0xbff64010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 376066552: a(n) BlockClosure
$1 = 0

Thanks in advance,




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Re: CogVM crash when printing related to #cannotInterpret:

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi Eliot. So...I have to reproducible cases. Both related to the use of #cannotInterpret.
The first one, needs a little bit of humane action. The image is here:
To reproduce, execute what is in the workspace, and when the popup of the DNU brings up, try to click in the line of the debugger "RegularObjectProxy(ObjectProxyInterceptor)>>cannotInterpret". When you do that, another debugger will appear. Now, if you click again in the same line (but in the new debugger), if you do this 2 or 3 or more times, it will crash. With previous VMs, I can open as much debuggers as I want without crashing. 
I can create a screencast and put it in youtube if it helps.
This is the issue I told you I thought it was related to MethodContext >> printDetails:

The second one, is in this image:
You just have to evaluate the unique line it is in the workspace and it will crash for sure in the first shoot. There are some explanations on it also.
This issue, may be related with the previous one, but I am not sure.

I hope I am not doing something wrong causing loose your time.

Thanks a lot in advance,

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Mariano,

    can you create an image that exhibits the crash from start-up?  If so, please email it to me and I'll fix this asap.

Eliot, by start-up you mean start-up list or I can just prepare the image with a test you can run?

I mean a doit that crashes the VM. You say, e.g.

    Smalltalk saveAs.
    self crashTheSystem

Now when you start-up this image it will do self crashTheSystem and ... crash.  So substitute whatever code you want for crashTheSystem.  Note you can evaluate Smalltalk saveAs anywhere, even in an inspector on some object that implements a method you want to evaluate.  Snapshot is like unix's fork.

e.g. when I create my command-line threaded example I evaluate

Smalltalk saveAs. "startreader"
[[Processor activeProcess bindToThreadId: 2]
on: Error
do: [:ex|].
 StdioListener new run] forkAt: Processor activePriority + 1

Make sense?

Thanks a lot!


On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 2:35 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Eliot. I am testing your very last VM r2496, CogMT in Mac OS 10.6.8. I am using the trick of #cannotInterpret: and I discover a problem with it. Basically, it is when doing something like this:

MyProxy >> cannotInterpret: aMessage

Error signal: 'ups...'.

In this case, the debugger comes in but after one or 2 times I press in the debugger line of #cannotInterpret: (to debug it), it crashes. As far as I could see with gdb, the problem is in MethodContext >> #printDetails:
If I comment the contents of such method, I have no crash at all. I think that in this scenario where I throw an arror inside #cannotInterpret can reach a situation where you don't have temps or values or receiver or something and that's why it crash.
Furthermore, previous VM version, do NOT have this problem.

I will try to dig a little more, but if you give me a hint, I appreciate it.

Here is the bt and the stack:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000026
0x000d8356 in methodHasCogMethod ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000d8356 in methodHasCogMethod ()
#1  0x000c7899 in cogPICSelectornumArgsCase0MethodCase1MethodtagisMNUCase ()
#2  0x000d6eea in ceSICMiss ()
#3  0x13ffc35c in ?? ()
#4  0x00107a05 in threadSchedulingLoop ()
#5  0x00108c38 in initStackPagesAndInterpret ()
#6  0x0005d964 in EventLoopEventHandler ()
#7  0x98c66c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#8  0x98c65ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#9  0x98c65d55 in SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions ()
#10 0x98c9aa24 in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler ()
#11 0x98c67080 in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#12 0x98c65ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#13 0x98c887f3 in SendEventToEventTarget ()
#14 0x98e11c17 in ToolboxEventDispatcher ()
#15 0x98e11d4f in RunApplicationEventLoop ()
#16 0x0005d18a in RunApplicationEventLoopWithSqueak ()
#17 0x0006ebf7 in main ()

(gdb) call (int) printAllStacks()
Process 0x171793f8 priority 40
0xbff69d64 M [] in MethodContext>printDetails: 387422092: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69d80 M BlockClosure>on:do: 388720820: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69da0 M BlockClosure>ifError: 388720820: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69dc8 M MethodContext>printDetails: 387422092: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69df0 M MethodContext(ContextPart)>errorReportOn: 387418688: a(n) MethodContext
0xbff69e1c I [] in SmalltalkImage>logError:inContext: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69e48 I [] in SmalltalkImage>logDuring: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69e68 M BlockClosure>ensure: 388309644: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69e90 I SmalltalkImage>logDuring: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69eb4 I SmalltalkImage>logError:inContext: 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff69ef0 M [] in MorphicUIManager>openDebuggerOn:context:label:contents:fullView: 338485116: a(n) MorphicUIManager
0xbff69f0c M BlockClosure>on:do: 387421948: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff69f44 M [] in MorphicUIManager>openDebuggerOn:context:label:contents:fullView: 338485116: a(n) MorphicUIManager
0xbff69f64 M WorldState>runStepMethodsIn: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69f80 M PasteUpMorph>runStepMethods 338272244: a(n) PasteUpMorph
0xbff69f98 M WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69fb4 M WorldState>doOneCycleFor: 338433128: a(n) WorldState
0xbff69fd0 M PasteUpMorph>doOneCycle 338272244: a(n) PasteUpMorph
0xbff69ff0 I [] in Project class>spawnNewProcess 338672796: a(n) Project class
0xbff6a010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387420956: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x1711e7fc priority 50
0xbff5ffd0 M WeakArray class>finalizationProcess 337425280: a(n) WeakArray class
0xbff5fff0 I [] in WeakArray class>restartFinalizationProcess 337425280: a(n) WeakArray class
0xbff60010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387049248: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x14a27698 priority 80
0xbff60ff0 M Delay class>handleTimerEvent 337430620: a(n) Delay class
0xbff61010 I Delay class>? 337430620: a(n) Delay class
346191180 s [] in Delay class>?
346191416 s [] in BlockClosure>?

Process 0x15d37dd0 priority 40
366182080 s [] in SHTextStylerST80(SHTextStyler)>styleInBackgroundProcess:
366181744 s [] in BlockClosure>newProcess

Process 0x166a5108 priority 60
0xbff61fd0 I SmalltalkImage>lowSpaceWatcher 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff61ff0 I [] in SmalltalkImage>installLowSpaceWatcher 340435416: a(n) SmalltalkImage
0xbff62010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 376066092: a(n) BlockClosure

Process 0x1711c3d8 priority 60
0xbff64f50 M [] in Delay>wait 387040292: a(n) Delay
0xbff64f70 M BlockClosure>ifCurtailed: 387932080: a(n) BlockClosure
0xbff64f8c M Delay>wait 387040292: a(n) Delay
0xbff64fa4 M InputEventPollingFetcher>waitForInput 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff64fd0 I InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>eventLoop 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff64ff0 I [] in InputEventPollingFetcher(InputEventFetcher)>installEventLoop 337872084: a(n) InputEventPollingFetcher
0xbff65010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 387039996: a(n) BlockClosure

processes at priority 10
Process 0x166a52d4 priority 10
0xbff63fd0 M ProcessorScheduler class>idleProcess 337424860: a(n) ProcessorScheduler class
0xbff63ff0 I [] in ProcessorScheduler class>startUp 337424860: a(n) ProcessorScheduler class
0xbff64010 I [] in BlockClosure>newProcess 376066552: a(n) BlockClosure
$1 = 0

Thanks in advance,




