Color>>quickHighLight: problems with transparent images

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Color>>quickHighLight: problems with transparent images

The Color>>quickHighLight: method is ancient and appears to be wrong when using ‘modern’ pixel values where 0 is transparent and 16r1 is black. The use case is getting a decently visible colour for a cursor when painted onto an arbitrarily coloured background image. Strictly speaking a bitwise reverse isn’t a perceptually reliable algorithm but it is at least quick and usually tolerable.

Consider the following code -
|bitBlt bufferForm|
        bufferForm := Form extent: 100@20 depth: 32.
        bufferForm fillWhite.
        bitBlt := (BitBlt toForm: bufferForm)
                clipRect: bufferForm boundingBox;
                fillColor: (Color quickHighLight: bufferForm depth);
                combinationRule: Form reverse.

                        destRect: (0@0 extent: (bufferForm width /2) @bufferForm height);
                bufferForm displayOn: Display at: 0@0 rule: Form paint

What one wants to see is a patch in the top left of the Display with a 50x20 black area and a 50x20 white area. You get 50x20 transparent (ie nothing visible) and 50x20 white.

If we change the code to
|bitBlt bufferForm|
        bufferForm := Form extent: 100@20 depth: 32.
        bufferForm fillWhite.
        bitBlt := (BitBlt toForm: bufferForm)
                clipRect: bufferForm boundingBox;
                fillColor:  (Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFE);
                combinationRule: Form reverse.

                        destRect: (0@0 extent: (bufferForm width /2) @bufferForm height);
                bufferForm displayOn: Display at: 0@0 rule: Form paint
… then we see what we wanted.

I’m not completely convinced that changing the Color>>initializeHighLights method to -
        "Create a set of Bitmaps for quickly reversing areas of the screen without converting colors. "
        "Color initializeHighLights"

        | t |
        t := Array new: 32.
        t at: 1 put: (Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF).
        t at: 2 put: (Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF).
        t at: 4 put: (Bitmap with: 16r55555555).
        t at: 8 put: (Bitmap with: 16r7070707).
        t at: 16 put: (Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF).
        t at: 32 put: (Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFE).
        HighLightBitmaps := t.

… is completely correct, but it might be. Does the 16bpp case need changing? Is there a bitblt rule I’m unaware of that does things better?

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
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