Community Supported Packages

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Community Supported Packages

Torsten Bergmann
Hi Chris,

>I don't know if you watched all that carefully, but in the last 48 hours
>we've made our decision
>You seem to think we're having a discussion about it.

That's what I would call a very quick decision after the proposal
from Saturday leaving out people who didnt follow over the weekend.
But since the people who showed up agreed with Andreas
 I'm fine with the decision.

However using Monticello in one or the other way will have an
impact on future development and how people can contribute.

>I think at bottom you are more of a Pharo guy.

Yes, maybe I'm biased since I now usually use Pharo images since
they satisfy more needs I personally know from other Smalltalk and
non-Smalltalk environments.

On the other side I'm with Squeak from the beginning, still contribute
and try to keep up compatibility for packages as much as possible.
There are many things that make up Squeak different and unique.

I've contributed code, fixes, packages, discussions, installer code,
help system to both: Squeak and Pharo and still try to keep them
as compatible as possible.

So what did you do to prevent reinventing the wheel within
the broader community?

>Added to which, you say that Pharo has packages to manage?

Yes, look at ConfigurationOfPharo and you will find the packages
forming the Pharo release from a pharo core. Also look at
squeaksource/MetacelloRepository - for other configurations
(sadly only a few of them work for Squeak yet)

You seem to think that Pharo is solely there to satisfy Seaside
users which is a very naive view.

>I repeat, you are one step behind the times, Torsten

Looks like I'm old and behind the times since I was not able to
read and respond over the weekend B)

>We have chosen. Colin has just created the first test case.

Which will make my "Squeak/Pharo dissociative identity disorder"
a little bit harder since I have another difference.
Nonetheless I continue with both even when I'm still behind the times ;)


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