Concatenating strings stored in an ordered collection

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Concatenating strings stored in an ordered collection

Paul DeBruicker

I've created an ordered collection of strings.  I'd like to paste each
element of the ordered collection together into one long string that
contains all of the elements of the ordered collection.

So given this:
| col |
col := OrderedCollection with: 'asdf' with: '1234' with: 'aaaa'.

I'd like to end up with this:


I've come up with this:
| col |
col := OrderedCollection with: 'asdf' with: '1234' with: 'aaaa'.
String streamContents: [:stream | col do: [:i | stream print: i]]

but that gives:

What else should I do?  Thanks

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Re: Concatenating strings stored in an ordered collection

Rob Rothwell
Try output := col inject: '' into: [:a :b | a,b].

And check out the terse guide to Squeak:

I can never remember the format for inject, but got it right somehow this time!


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Paul DeBruicker <[hidden email]> wrote:

I've created an ordered collection of strings.  I'd like to paste each
element of the ordered collection together into one long string that
contains all of the elements of the ordered collection.

So given this:
| col |
col := OrderedCollection with: 'asdf' with: '1234' with: 'aaaa'.

I'd like to end up with this:


I've come up with this:
| col |
col := OrderedCollection with: 'asdf' with: '1234' with: 'aaaa'.
String streamContents: [:stream | col do: [:i | stream print: i]]

but that gives:

What else should I do?  Thanks

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Re: Concatenating strings stored in an ordered collection

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by Paul DeBruicker

On 22.05.2009, at 12:51, Paul DeBruicker wrote:

> Hi
> I've created an ordered collection of strings.  I'd like to paste each
> element of the ordered collection together into one long string that
> contains all of the elements of the ordered collection.
> So given this:
> | col |
> col := OrderedCollection with: 'asdf' with: '1234' with: 'aaaa'.
> I'd like to end up with this:
> 'asdf1234aaaa'
> I've come up with this:
> | col |
> col := OrderedCollection with: 'asdf' with: '1234' with: 'aaaa'.
> String streamContents: [:stream | col do: [:i | stream print: i]]
> but that gives:
> '''asdf''''1234''''aaaa'''
> What else should I do?  Thanks

Use nextPutAll: instead of print:.

- Bert -

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Re: Concatenating strings stored in an ordered collection


You could use the SplitJoin package.

'' join: (OrderedCollection with: 'asdf' with: '1234' with: 'aaaa') --
 > 'asdf1234aaaa'

- on

On May 22, 2009, at 23:14, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> On 22.05.2009, at 12:51, Paul DeBruicker wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've created an ordered collection of strings.  I'd like to paste  
>> each
>> element of the ordered collection together into one long string that
>> contains all of the elements of the ordered collection.
>> So given this:
>> | col |
>> col := OrderedCollection with: 'asdf' with: '1234' with: 'aaaa'.
>> I'd like to end up with this:
>> 'asdf1234aaaa'
>> I've come up with this:
>> | col |
>> col := OrderedCollection with: 'asdf' with: '1234' with: 'aaaa'.
>> String streamContents: [:stream | col do: [:i | stream print: i]]
>> but that gives:
>> '''asdf''''1234''''aaaa'''
>> What else should I do?  Thanks
> Use nextPutAll: instead of print:.
> - Bert -
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