ConfigurationOfVMMaker updated

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ConfigurationOfVMMaker updated

Torsten Bergmann
I've updated the newest development version 1.4 of ConfigurationOfVMMaker
so it loads well in latest Squeak 4.1., Squeak trunk, Pharo 1.0 and Pharo 1.1. and uses the latest packages available. Tested on all four platforms.

Note that version 1.4 is still blessed with #development in the Metacello spec.

What is new
 - world menu registration works also in Pharo 1.1.
 - switch to the new SqS/FreetypePlugin for the Squeak part
   (see Squeak bug 7521)
 - include latest packages available for VM building

For Squeak evaluate:
Installer squeaksource
        project: 'MetacelloRepository';
        install: 'ConfigurationOfVMMaker'.
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfVMMaker) project version: '1.4') load

For Pharo evaluate:
Gofer new
        squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfVMMaker';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfVMMaker) project version: '1.4') load

Always remember that Metacello allows you to load newest packages
(if they appear) by loading the baseline. Here you can use:
  ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfVMMaker) project version: '1.4-baseline') load

What is open

VMMaker still has
 - #fixTemps
 - deprecated #findLastOccuranceOfString: vs. findLastOccurenceOfString:
 - ...

that could be cleaned up if all VM Builders switch to the latest Squeak and
Pharo releases. We should really move forward here! Does anyone still use
old Squeak 3.6/3.8 to build the VM? What do you think?

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