Continuous Integration

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Continuous Integration

Anders Janmyr-2

I was wondering if there is a good way to do Continuous Integration.

What I am looking for is something like:
1. Start a new basic image.
2. Load in required software packages from Squeak Map, Universe,
Monticello, etc.
3. Load latest packages from my Monticello repository.
4. Run all the tests.
5. Produce a test report as a web page or as a mail.

Thankful for any help.

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Re: Continuous Integration

laurent laffont

I'm working on this with help from Damien Cassou and Alexandre Burgel. It's very young and small, you can start looking here: in the wiki page. I started this project to learn Smalltalk, so that's newbie code ;)

I know there's some others projets, certainly more mature, like Bob from Keith Hodges and Matthew Fulmer (see ), but I couldn't take some time to look at it.

Laurent Laffont

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Anders Janmyr <[hidden email]> wrote:

I was wondering if there is a good way to do Continuous Integration.

What I am looking for is something like:
1. Start a new basic image.
2. Load in required software packages from Squeak Map, Universe,
Monticello, etc.
3. Load latest packages from my Monticello repository.
4. Run all the tests.
5. Produce a test report as a web page or as a mail.

Thankful for any help.

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