Crashing Interpreter

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Crashing Interpreter

Chris Cunnington-4
I said before that I found with an interpreter vm I could reproduce the crash David described using this in a Workspace: 

MCMcmUpdater updateFromRepository: '
baseName: 'update'

I find with RC2 it still crashes quite reliably. Linux vm version 4.13.12-3323. 

I decided to lay in self halts to look for the point before it crashed. This brought me to MCConfiguration>>depsSatisfying:versionDo:displayingProgress:. 
That's salient, because the last thing you see before the crash is a progress bar. 

The stepping point for the crash is just after MCReorganizationPreloader preloadMovesBetween: selectedVersions. 
If I place a self halt before that I get a debug window. If I place it after that  I get a crash. 

So I stepped into that and explored #preloadMovesBetween: which looks like this: 

preloadMovesBetween: versions
| loader |
loader := self new.
self halt. "location #1"
versions do: [ :version |
loader addVersion: version].
self halt. "location #2" 
^ loader preload

If I run with the self halt at location #1 I get a debug window. If I remove self halt location #1 and set it to self location #2 I get the crash. 
I don't know why it's crashing, but I posit that it may not be about Monticello and instead may be about nested blocks. #depsSatisfying:versionDo:displayingProgress: has a block within a block. And here's another block. 
Perhaps something is going wrong with this nesting? 

As I say, I don't really know, but it was interesting to try and find the point where it crashed. 

Two last things. Everything I just said applies also when employing the Squeak- vm from
David's first email displayed error output ending with: 
> 23038864 WorldState>doOneCycleFor:
> 23038772 PasteUpMorph>doOneCycle
> 5017264 MorphicProject>?
> 5017136 BlockClosure>?
You will see the crash point ends with a question about blocks. The previous listing cites MorphicProject. Hmm, don't we have a known problem with Projects these days? Something about Projects not being able to load? 
All this may of no account, but it was interesting to try and isolate the problem. 
