Creating a BaselineOf from a ConfigurationOf>>#baselineXyz:

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Creating a BaselineOf from a ConfigurationOf>>#baselineXyz:

Sean P. DeNigris
I'm trying to write a rewrite rule, but can't quite get it.

I first want to remove `spec blessing: #baseline.`

I tried the following with no effect:

RBParseTreeRewriter new
                replace: '`@expr blessing: `#lit'
                with: '';
                executeTree: methodTree;

NB: If I try to edit the expression instead of remove, by passing something like '`@expr assert: `#lit' for #with:, it works

What am I missing here?

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Re: Creating a BaselineOf from a ConfigurationOf>>#baselineXyz:

Hi Sean,

I didn't tried too much but you may first have to match the node in the parse tree. Something like this:

| node |
node := (RBParseTreeRewriter
    treeMatching: '`@expr blessing: `#lit'
    in: (YourClass >> #baseline01:) parseTree).
(node parent removeNode: node) newSource.



2017-06-04 0:48 GMT-03:00 Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]>:
I'm trying to write a rewrite rule, but can't quite get it.

I first want to remove `spec blessing: #baseline.`

I tried the following with no effect:

RBParseTreeRewriter new
                replace: '`@expr blessing: `#lit'
                with: '';
                executeTree: methodTree;

NB: If I try to edit the expression instead of remove, by passing something
like '`@expr assert: `#lit' for #with:, it works

What am I missing here?


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Re: Creating a BaselineOf from a ConfigurationOf>>#baselineXyz:

Nicolai Hess-3-2
In reply to this post by Sean P. DeNigris

Hi Sean,

2017-06-04 5:48 GMT+02:00 Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]>:
I'm trying to write a rewrite rule, but can't quite get it.

I first want to remove `spec blessing: #baseline.`

I tried the following with no effect:

RBParseTreeRewriter new
                replace: '`@expr blessing: `#lit'
                with: '';
                executeTree: methodTree;

This works for me, but ...

NB: If I try to edit the expression instead of remove, by passing something
like '`@expr assert: `#lit' for #with:, it works

What am I missing here?


keep in mind some odds about the caching on ast nodes.

Working with the tree rewriter directly on the method ast
(MyClass>>#myMethod) ast

- will modify the "cached" method ast, that means,  on code browser,  you do not see the change.
- the #source method of the ast, again only shows a cached source
  (MyClass>>#myMethod) ast source -> "old source"
- printing the formatted code will finally step into the (modified) method source nodes
  (MyClass>>#myMethod) ast formattedCode -> "new source code"


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