What is about the incorporation of the Impara Sophie's XUL staff and logic into the Croquet?
The idea is that, we could define the Croquet (3d/2d) user interfaces (or the way of filling up the space with content) within a XML file. Which satisfies the Croquet software logic requirements (for example: multiplicity of spaces (no direct analogs in VRML or X3D), etc.) and is readable by human.
XML file looks like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- fill up the activeSpace with it -->
<imageWindow src ="lawn.bmp" x="0" y="0" z="-5" />
<space name='001'>
<textWindow text = "Text" />
<space name= '002'>
To try first tiny example in work, just install the two latest XUL and Croquet-Xul packages from
http://www.squeaksource.com/MediaTalk.html repository,
and add to CroquetMenuProject at any #menuBar.. new menuItem:
menu add: 'Create from xul' target: self action: #actionCreateFromXUL disabled: false.
Best regards,
Nikolay Suslov