> New video tutorial/demo uploaded.
> Keith
Juan et al,
I have settled on the name "InstallSeries" rather than InstallStreams,
for my multiple update streams implementation.
The latest release of my personal "InstallSeries" is, revno 5, and is
available from:
bzr branch lp:~keithy/cuis/stable-kph
some documentation follows
> revno: 5
> committer: Keith Hodges <
[hidden email]>
> branch nick: stable-kph
> timestamp: Sat 2010-02-13 23:00:39 +0000
> message:
> remove #presumeSentMethods, Initial SourceFiles refactoring
1) The StartupManager is available via 'environment startupManager'.
2) Classes may access startup arguments without creating a dependency
StartupManager because the startUp process calls #startUp: resuming
with: startUpManager
on each class.
3) Classes may choose from alternative parameter interpreting methods.
The default being: #argAtKey: aKey ifAbsent: block
The startUp and shutdownLists are compiled by looking at all
implementors of:
#startUpPriority and #shutDownPriority
Priorities are: #first #earliest #earlier #early #normal #late #later
#latest #last
#hasImageMoved is available to determine if the image has moved since
it was last saved.
Initial Refactoring of Sources access to be managed in the package
The ./Contents/Resources directory of a vm packaged as a one-click
image, is now on the search path for the sources file.
Adopt an implicit means for allowing a method to declare itself as
a presumed sent selector using:
self flag: #presumeSentSelector