Hi All,
I have to say I am quite enjoying myself with Cuis2.0, Juan's small
image is great fun, and is easy to work with. Finally we have a kernel
image to play with, and the tools with which to do some playing and
InstallStreams, is working very well indeed. It builds on Cuis2.0 as a
fixed point, and IS builds the stable/unstable derived images very
I can think of lots of goals we could to work towards for Cuis2.1.
There are the basic housekeeping tasks, like tidying up and unloading
more stuff. But that is not really what the Cuis platform is all about.
Cuis is about revolution, rather than evolution, Morphic 3 will be on
Cuis first after all! We want it to be the place where you would come
to craft something new, and find it easiest to integrate and deploy
there, simply because Cuis is the simplest base platform. If you can
make it for Cuis, and craft the API's carefully avoiding dependencies,
then it should load anywhere.
Current Tasks
1. Carry on with miscellaneous tidying up
- tidy Utilities, pull OldSocket [done]
2. Make more packages loadable using the all too simple InstallStreams
packages mechanism.
(e.g. LinearAlgebra (done), Sound-Synthesis, Sound-Scores, Shout,
SignalProcessing, SUnit3.1 [done]
Goal Ideas
Build a small standalone Magma Server
Load & Run Seaside and Pier etc
We need to integrate a few things like pragmas and traits to get some
parity with other forks.
We don't really need it, but at some point someone is going to want MC
to load in Cuis it shouldn't be difficult with LPF.st
Revolutions waiting to happen in the kernel
any other ideas you would like to contribute to?
join up here: