It's so strange.. in:
BindingsAccessor>>bindingFor: anObject
ifNotBound: absBlock
^self pvtBindings at: anObject ifAbsent:
the 'self pvtBindings' valued manually in the debugger
returns some DynamicByndings, but in the 'runtime' it's like it is returning a
nil because the next message #at:ifAbsent: is received by UndefinedObject
instead of the DynamicBindigns.
To complete annoyance other services (seaside)
based on tcp listener seems to work just fine in the same image. I've made a
test of my service using just TcpListener instead of the custom I need and I
have the same problem. I think I'missing something in the service but I don't
know where to look at, so I'll appreciate any help.
I'm making a subclass of
TcpListener to have a custom policy of socket acceptance for a service I'm
When I start the service (subclass
of TcpService) it won't get the value of the #backlogSize wich the code
^#'ROSocketListener-backlogSize' binding ifNil:
In the debugger the manually
returned value is 10 but in the execution it trhows a walkback as beign nil.
Is like the Bindings var is not initialized. If I harcode the value there
other binds also fails.
So I'm lost with this dynamic
bindings. What I could be missing? there is something I should initialize to
enable this to work as supoused? how can I debug it?
thanks in