DBus session end trap

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DBus session end trap

Gary Dunn-3
I am investigating ways to have Squeak respond nicely to user logoff or system shutdown on Unix hosts. Currently files are left open, triggering a file system integrity check on restart and the associated threat of image corruption or loss.

I began at signals, good old SIGHUP and SIGQUIT, working in Gnome. Neither was suitable. Next I dug into gedit to see how it worked and found that Gnome uses its own signal library. Someone told me Gnome's library just traps DBus signals, so I looked into DBus and read that I should use one of the higher level bindings. And what did I find on the bindings page (www.freedesktop.org)? Bindings for Squeak by Bert Freudenberg!

Can someone give me a 1-2-3 on how to incorporate the six mcz files on SqueakSource into a 4.2 image? I am a Monticello newbie. Anyone using them care to share their insights and experiences?
Gary Dunn
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail.