DNS Client for squeak

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DNS Client for squeak

J J-6
Hi all,

Does anyone know who is the current maintainer of the Squak DNS package?  I
tried the mail listed in Squeakmap but I got back a bounce that said the
account was disabled.

Lex, I saw you put it in the Universes (at least the ones for 3.10), do you
maintain it or know who does?  And could you or Damien put in the FTP server
Lukas made, and the SMTP server Philip made in as well (or point me in the
direction of some documentation on how to do it myself)?

The reason I ask is because I noticed it's not completely implemented, so I
was going to add at least reverse lookups.

By the way, I noticed a bug in the timeout code: it does some kind of
operation to set the timeout you specify to milliseconds + the current time,
but it does it twice so the second time the number is interpreted as
seconds.  I haven't checked yet to see if this is a bug with the DNS package
or the 3.10 network code, but it's something to watch out for anyway.

Lastly, I just downloaded the 3.10 image and used the universes to pull in
Damien's dev package (since all I want all the browser goodies and I don't
know what all to get).  It was nice, just a couple of button presses and it
just worked.  No errors or anything.  Good work on that guys!


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Re: DNS Client for squeak

Damien Cassou-3
2007/4/14, J J <[hidden email]>:
> And could you or Damien put in the FTP server
> Lukas made, and the SMTP server Philip made in as well (or point me in the
> direction of some documentation on how to do it myself)?

You can do it yourself if you want :-) Just open the Package Universe
Editor. If you don't want, please provide more information.

Damien Cassou