Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Morphic-jcg.280
Ancestors: Morphic-dtl.279

Following Bert's suggestion in the "Future Sends" thread, use MorphicAlarms instead of forking a Process that immediately waits on a delay before scheduling them with the other deferred messages.

This is Morphic-only behavior (implemented in MorphicProject), since other types of Projects don't have the MorphicAlarm mechanism available to them.



Name: System-jcg.228
Ancestors: System-ar.227

Add PseudoClass>>includesSelector: to patch a MessageNotUnderstood encountered while filing in code from a file.



Name: Morphic-jcg.301
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.300

Following Bert's suggestion in the "Future Sends" thread, use MorphicAlarms instead of forking a Process that immediately waits on a delay before scheduling them with the other deferred messages.

This is Morphic-only behavior (implemented in MorphicProject), since other types of Projects don't have the MorphicAlarm mechanism available to them.

(ignore Morphic-jcg.280, which is the same changes, but applied agains Morphic-dtl.279).



Name: Morphic-jcg.302
Ancestors: Morphic-jcg.301

After version 301, sending #future from a non-UI thread is no longer thread-safe, because accesses to the MorphicAlarmQueue were not synchronized.  Now they are, for all uses of Morphic alarms (i.e. even non-future-send users can now safely use Morphic alarms from other threads).



Name: Collections-dtl.276
Ancestors: Collections-ar.275

Preserve #fullCheck for compatibility with external packages (i.e., extension methods in Dictionary etc). Important for SystemTracing package loading.
