Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Traits-ar.278
Ancestors: Traits-nice.277
Adds a class comment to TraitOrganizer (really this is to test the updated server image).
============================================= Multilingual-nice.81
Ancestors: Multilingual-ar.80
Correct a bug in StrikeFont (ascii assigned with a Character rather than its code).
change pattern dest:=dest+(x at 0) into dest:=dest x+x at dest y
============================================= Morphic-ar.303
Ancestors: Morphic-jcg.302
Replace offerMenuFrom:shifted: by offerMenu:from:shifted: which takes an additional argument, the model to retrieve the menu from and perform the actions on.
============================================= ST80-ar.83
Ancestors: ST80-ar.82
Replace offerMenuFrom:shifted: by offerMenu:from:shifted: which takes an additional argument, the model to retrieve the menu from and perform the actions on.
============================================= System-ar.229
Ancestors: System-jcg.228
Replace offerMenuFrom:shifted: by offerMenu:from:shifted: which takes an additional argument, the model to retrieve the menu from and perform the actions on.
============================================= Tools-ar.162
Ancestors: Tools-ar.161
Replace offerMenuFrom:shifted: by offerMenu:from:shifted: which takes an additional argument, the model to retrieve the menu from and perform the actions on.