Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Morphic-dtl.313
Ancestors: Morphic-dtl.312

Remove remaining dependencies on ST80-Editors from non-MVC packages.

Remove explicit references to ST80 classes from ModalSystemWindow and various utility methods.



Name: ST80-dtl.88
Ancestors: ST80-dtl.87

Remove remaining dependencies on ST80-Editors from non-MVC packages.

Remove explicit references to ST80 classes from ModalSystemWindow and various utility methods.



Name: System-dtl.240
Ancestors: System-dtl.239

Remove remaining dependencies on ST80-Editors from non-MVC packages.

Remove explicit references to ST80 classes from ModalSystemWindow and various utility methods.



Name: Compiler-ul.116
Ancestors: Compiler-ar.115

- don't create a block in Dictionary >> #bindingOf:



Name: Kernel-ul.382
Ancestors: Kernel-dtl.381

In MethodDictionary
- cosmetic changes: use #ifNotNil: if possible
- ensure that #rehashWithoutBecome doesn't send #become:, making #rehashAllInstances a lot faster
- ensure that #removeAll preserves the capacity
- deprecated #methodArray, it's the same as #array
- new comment for #new



Name: Collections-ul.282
Ancestors: Collections-nice.281

In the HashedCollection hierarchy:
- cosmetic changes: use #ifNotNil: if possible
- use unary symbols instead of blocks with a single unary send
- removed unnecessary line from #atRandom
- restored correct compatibility method for #fullCheck

In Dictionary:
- make sure that #associationsSelect: works with PluggableDictionary by using #copyEmpty instead of #species + #new
- deprecated #keyForIdentity:, because it's similar to #keyAtIdentityValue:ifAbsent:

In WeakKeyDictionary:
- #rehash throws away nil keys, so we don't have to iterate twice over array
- don't let the key go away in #noCheckNoGrowFillFrom:

In WeakKeyToCollectionDictionary:
- don't let the key go away in #noCheckNoGrowFillFrom:
- removed #finalizeValues because it became same as super

In WeakSet:
- #do:after: doesn't skip the first element if anElement is nil
- speed up #slowSize
- don't rehash twice in #grow, just count the occupied slots first with #slowSize

- simplified a few KeyedSet's  methods
- added #collect: to PluggableDictionary (super doesn't copy the blocks)
