Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Collections-nice.320
Ancestors: Collections-nice.319

Let findAnySubStr:startingAt: use inject:into:
Minor speed up, better code, no outer temp assignment



Name: Tools-ar.194
Ancestors: Tools-kb.193

Put the option to enable/disable syntax highlighting into the workspace's window menu (instead of the context menu) where the other workspace specific options are. Also change to wording to be less idiosyncratic.



Name: Kernel-ul.410
Ancestors: Kernel-nice.409

- use the new way to create an ObjectFinalizer



Name: CollectionsTests-ul.149
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-ar.147

- added a new test for WeakRegistry to test multiple finalizers per object



Name: System-ul.268
Ancestors: System-ar.267

- added ObjectFinalizerCollection which will hold the finalizers in WeakRegistry.



Name: Collections-ul.321
Ancestors: Collections-nice.320

- add support for multiple finalizers per object to WeakRegistry



Name: Morphic-ar.355
Ancestors: Morphic-HenrikSperreJohansen.354

Newspeak-style frame adornments (like triangle in the top right corner to indicate dirty state). Polymorph had a nice procedural version for different colors so we don't need to use the original art.



Name: ShoutCore-kb.11
Ancestors: ShoutCore-kb.10

Adapted monticello's snapshot and patch browser shout styling from ShoutMonticello.1-tween.2



Name: Morphic-ar.358
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.355, Morphic-kb.357, Morphic-kb.356

Merging Morphic-kb.356

 - Changed the docking bar activation shortcut to ctrl-n, where n is the position of the docking bar menu to activate.
 - When selecting a docking bar menu item morph set the keyboard focus to its submenu.
 - If the docking bar can't handle a keystroke it passes the focus to the submenu, and sends the keystroke event to it.

With these changes you can press ctrl-3, type "wo" and press enter to open a new workspace.

Merging Morphic-kb.357:

- fix for: 0007439: Selection in Trunk text editors does not extend correctly. http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7439

Put back old code handling shift-clicks. Further investigation needed, to find out why it was removed.



Name: Morphic-ar.359
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.358

Slight tweak to text adornments. Draw them on top of the text and selection to avoid ugly bleeding of translucent selection color.



Name: Morphic-laza.356
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.355

The window menu and the expand button are locked in passive SystemWindows. Now they are also hidden to visually reflect the fact, that they only can be used in an active window.
Should also work with the NoviceMode Preference Setting.



Name: Morphic-laza.360
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.359, Morphic-laza.356

Merge with 356



Name: Morphic-laza.361
Ancestors: Morphic-laza.360

removed unnecessary check for label



Name: Kernel-ar.411
Ancestors: Kernel-ul.410

Add MethodDictionary class>>compactAllInstances to save space in releases. Compacting all MDs in my images saves 600k in image size which isn't bad at all.



Name: MorphicExtras-ar.76
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-dtl.75

Add TextOnCurve reset to flush some state that will otherwise just hang around.



Name: ReleaseBuilder-ar.49
Ancestors: ReleaseBuilder-edc.48

More cleanup in prepareNewBuild.



Name: Morphic-laza.362
Ancestors: Morphic-laza.361

"Make closeable" from the window menu did add a new reddish closebutton to the right of windowlabel area. Now the flat closebutton is added to the left side of the windowlabel area



Name: Morphic-laza.363
Ancestors: Morphic-laza.362

The full screen entry of the window menu did not preserve the original window dimensions. Now the menu entry mimics the expand/contact button and reads either full screen or original size



Name: Kernel-ar.412
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.411

Introduce a cleanUp/cleanUp: protocol based on the proposal from Mantis:


The cleanUp protocol takes an optional argument to indicate whether we're doing an aggressive cleanup (which involves deleting projects, change sets, and possibly other destructive actions) or a more gentle cleanup that's only supposed to clean out transient caches.



Name: Balloon-ar.16
Ancestors: Balloon-nice.15

Cleanup for GradientFillStyle.



Name: Collections-ar.322
Ancestors: Collections-ul.321

Cleanup for HashedCollection and Symbol.



Name: Graphics-ar.108
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.107

Cleanup for BitBlt and StrikeFont.



Name: Monticello-ar.372
Ancestors: Monticello-kb.371

Cleanup for MCDefinition, MCFileBasedRepository, MCMethodDefinition.



Name: Installer-Core-ul.337
Ancestors: Installer-Core-cmm.336

- added a repository for source.squeak.org



Name: Morphic-ar.364
Ancestors: Morphic-laza.363

Cleanup for ScrollBar, WorldState, TheWorldMenu, and StandardScriptingSystem.



Name: MorphicExtras-ar.77
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-ar.76

Cleanup for CommandHistory, PaintBoxMorph, PartsBin, and TextOnCurve.



Name: ST80-ar.107
Ancestors: ST80-dtl.106

Cleanup for ListParagraph.



Name: Tools-ar.195
Ancestors: Tools-ar.194

Cleanup for Browser and PopUpMenu.



Name: System-ar.269
Ancestors: System-ul.268

Cleanup for AppRegistry, ChangeSet, DataStream, EventManager, ExternalDropHandler, FileServices, NaturalLanguageTranslator, NaturalLanguageFormTranslator, Project, ProjectHistory, SpaceTally, SystemDictionary, Smalltalk, SystemOrganizer, Utilities. Phew.



Name: EToys-ar.61
Ancestors: EToys-kfr.60

Move Player cleanUp from ScriptingSystem to Player. Protect Kedama from being nuked during aggressive cleanup.



Name: Morphic-ar.365
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.364

Move Player cleanUp from ScriptingSystem to Player.
