Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: System-ar.285
Ancestors: System-ar.284

Add SystemDictionary>>at:ifAbsentPut: as member of the at:[put:|ifAbsent:|ifPresent:] family of supported methods for accessing globals. Used (for example) by Tweak.



Name: System-ar.290
Ancestors: System-ar.285, System-laza.289

Three changes:
- put Smalltalk>>at:ifAbsentPut: back (merge ar.285)
- fix for SystemDictionary>>bindingOf:
- a bit of refactoring for saveAs allowing a bit more flexibility for image packaging purposes



Name: Monticello-ar.379
Ancestors: Monticello-ar.378

Put the newer version check back into saveVersion. It prevents accidental commits when there are newer (unmerged) versions in the repository. The test got lost probably accidentally a while ago; if the removal was deliberate we should make this a preference (I'm too lazy to live without it :-)



Name: Tools-ul.207
Ancestors: Tools-cmm.206

- DependencyBrowser gets it's package list from PackageInfo instead of MCWorkingCopy. This way the Tools package doesn't depend on Monticello. But the list of packages are different, that should be fixed.



Name: ShoutCore-ul.14
Ancestors: ShoutCore-ar.13

- restore lost pragma colorization



Name: System-ar.292
Ancestors: System-ar.290

Get rid of a few *smbase extensions/overrides.



Name: VersionNumber-ar.2
Ancestors: VersionNumber-dew.1

Get rid of a few *smbase extensions/overrides.



Name: SMBase-ar.99
Ancestors: SMBase-ar.98

Get rid of a few *smbase extensions/overrides.



Name: Collections-ul.330
Ancestors: Collections-klc.329

- use WeakIdentityKeyDictionary instead of WeakKeyDictionary in WeakRegistry
- added a postscript to update existing WeakRegistries



Name: Collections-ul.331
Ancestors: Collections-ul.330

- removed the postscript



Name: Collections-ar.332
Ancestors: Collections-ul.331

- Comments for Collection>>min,max
- Optimized implementations for Bag>>min,max,sum



Name: Exceptions-ar.26
Ancestors: Exceptions-nice.24

Add KeyNotFound error which is signaled when a key in a collection cannot be found.



Name: Collections-ar.333
Ancestors: Collections-ar.332

Signal KeyNotFound instead of a generic error and provide the key in the exception and error message.



Name: CollectionsTests-ar.155
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-klc.153

Update test to require Dictionary>>at: to raise KeyNotFound.



Name: Collections-ar.334
Ancestors: Collections-ar.333

Give Base64MimeConverter the ability to not break lines longer than 70 characters. Useful (for example) when using long base64 encodings in urls.



Name: CollectionsTests-ar.156
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-ar.155

Update base64 tests.



Name: Graphics-ar.120
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.118

Graphics fixes:
- Add CursorWithAlpha from OLPC. Try this:
        CursorWithAlpha biggerNormal showWhile:[Sensor waitButton].
- Fix Cursor>>showWhile: to not allow changing the cursor unless being invoked from the UI process.
- Fix Form>>asFormOfDepth: to have alpha set when converting from 16 -> 32 bit.



Name: Compiler-nice.136
Ancestors: Compiler-nice.135

Multiple automatic AmbigousSelector replacement was broken dur to subtle requestorOffset magic. Attempt a correction.

I just made the replacement work, but the second occurence selection just flash , I don't know why.

I do not really understand what I programmed... This is a door open to future bugs.
The requestorOffset inst var in Parser looks like a fragile construction to me.
 I dont understand selectInvisiblyFrom:to: neither...

Not sure what happens if we mix UnsedVariable, AmbiguousSelector and other automatic corrections.

Probably more work on this subject
