Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Collections-ar.353
Ancestors: Collections-nice.352
Fix do:displayingProgress: to suppress changing the label to nil if the display block returns nil (accidentally or deliberately).
============================================= Kernel-ar.437
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.436
Fixes needed for new condensing method:
* Allow class comments to be moved to the sources file
* Make CompiledMethod>>setSourcePointer: less expensive by avoiding #become: if at all possible
============================================= System-ar.307
Ancestors: System-ul.306
Adds a new condensing method.
Smalltalk appendChangesTo: 'myfile.sources'
will copy the original sources file and append a condensed version of the changes. These later versions are linked to the earlier ones so that the 'versions' of some method show its ancestry in the sources file. This gives us the ability to preserve the 'shipped' ancestry of methods while avoiding all the intermediate versions during development.
Also bullet-proofs ChangeSet>>scanVersionsOf: in the case of broken preambles.