Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Morphic-cmm.409
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.408
Changed hot-key for search-bar activation to Control+7 instead of Control+7, 8, or 9. Control+9 was already taken for a very useful, legacy function (surround with parenthesis). This is also consistent with the other hot-keys on the DockingBar since the search-bar is the 7th item over, not the 9th. There are a limited number of shortcut keys still available on the keyboard, so no function deserves three separate hot-keys.
============================================= System-cmm.309
Ancestors: System-ar.308
Updated command-key mappings.
============================================= Tools-cmm.199
Ancestors: Tools-cmm.198
- MessageTrace, a new subclass of MessageSet, presents message flow via a succint hierarchy. To turn it on, enable the preference #traceMessages.
============================================= KernelTests-jcg.144
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.143
PromiseTest: rudimentary tests for Promise class. The test demonstrates a bug that exists in Kernel-ar.437 and earlier.
============================================= Kernel-jcg.438
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.437
Fix embarrassing bug in Promise>>resolveWith:
============================================= Morphic-kb.410
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.409
- SearchBarMorph >> smartSearch: retains keyboard focus if no match was found.