Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: System-ul.346
Ancestors: System-eem.345

- ignore vm parameters with nil value in MessageTally, so it can be used in Cog



Name: Kernel-eem.466
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.465

Add Object>>okToClose for multi-window browser support



Name: Morphic-eem.451
Ancestors: Morphic-eem.450

Morphic support for browser multi-windows.
1 of 4 (Morphic, ToolBuilder-Kernel, ToolBuilder-Morphic, Tools).

Also fix docking bar's Help menu for unload all packages images



Name: ToolBuilder-Kernel-eem.36
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Kernel-ar.35

ToolBuilder support for browser multi-windows.
2 of 4 (Morphic, ToolBuilder-Kernel, ToolBuilder-Morphic, Tools).



Name: ToolBuilder-Morphic-eem.63
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Morphic-ar.62

ToolBuilder support for browser multi-windows.
3 of 4 (Morphic, ToolBuilder-Kernel, ToolBuilder-Morphic, Tools).



Name: Tools-eem.250
Ancestors: Tools-eem.249

Browser multi-windows.
4 of 4 (Morphic, ToolBuilder-Kernel, ToolBuilder-Morphic, Tools).
Needs Kernel-eem.466 (Object>>okToClose)

Supports multi-windows in the Browser TweakBrowser and PackagePaneBrowser. (browser preference Multi-window browsers)

Also inspect method & explore method & if possible preserve protocol and selector selections when switching between classes.



Name: Kernel-ul.467
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.466

- a bit faster DependentsArray >> #select: implementation
- added missing MethodDictionary >> #associationAt:ifAbsent:



Name: ToolBuilder-Morphic-eem.64
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Morphic-eem.63

Must set a workspave not to style before its contents are set otherwise the text will be styled initially and lose its emphases.



Name: ToolBuilder-Morphic-eem.65
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Morphic-eem.64

Restore the setting of the label in edit:label:accept:
