Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Multilingual-nice.123
Ancestors: Multilingual-ul.122

1) simplify a case of at:ifAbsentPut: pattern in SparseXTable
2) provide a simple mapping of unicode upper/lower case characters as described at http://unicode.org/reports/tr21/tr21-5.html
Note 1: Unicode class now provides two utilities to transform case of a String rather than of a Character. This is for enabling future enhancements like handling special casings when case folding does change the number of characters.

Note 2: there is no automatic initialization performed yet. You'll have to execute this before using above utilities:
Unicode initializeCaseMappings.

This is only an unoptimized, first attempt proposal. Comments and changes are of course welcome.



Name: Multilingual-nice.124
Ancestors: Multilingual-nice.123

Oups... use latest public Unicode version rather than a specific one.



Name: Multilingual-nice.125
Ancestors: Multilingual-nice.124

Patch the new Unicode case conversion utilities.
