Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Collections-eem.369
Ancestors: Collections-ar.368

Collection>>fold: and SequenceableCollection>>copyUpThrough:, extensions used by Cog VMMaker.
Change to older semantics of Character>>hex for Cog VMMaker.



Name: Kernel-eem.473
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.472

Change to older semantics of Integer>>hex for Cog VMMaker.



Name: Tests-eem.85
Ancestors: Tests-ar.84

Update the hex tests to document the reverted old behaviour of hex required by the Cog VMMaker (i.e. that hex prints with the base prefix 16r).



Name: System-eem.350
Ancestors: System-ar.349

More accurate isRunningCog[it] tests that distinguish
between the Stack and the Cogit VMs.



Name: Tests-eem.86
Ancestors: Tests-eem.85

TestObjectsAsMethods crashes only on the Cogit.
Mirror primitive tests succeed on the Cog VMs.
