Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Compiler-nice.152
Ancestors: Compiler-jcg.147

Add the possibility in new code generation scheme to access shared variables by sending message #value to the variable binding instead of fetching second instance variable.
This did already exist in old code generation scheme and is controlled by #isSpecialReadBinding.



Name: GraphicsTests-nice.26
Ancestors: GraphicsTests-wiz.25

Remove potential sends of @-
Now that $- is allowed in binary messages at any place, this potentially is ambiguous.



Name: KernelTests-nice.156
Ancestors: KernelTests-ar.155

Remove potential sends of /-
Now that $- is allowed in binary messages at any place, this potentially is ambiguous.



Name: Network-ar.75
Ancestors: Network-ar.74

Some SocketStream simplifications: Avoid duplication between #receiveData; #receiveDataIfAvailable; and #receiveAvailableData; they are just minor variants of each other. Also bottleneck all socket reads and writes in two SocketStream methods #receiveDataInto:startingAt: and #sendData:count: so that subclasses can do additional operations on them (encryption, statistics etc).



Name: Network-ar.76
Ancestors: Network-ar.75

Add long missing SocketStream>>destroy method.
