Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Network-ar.77
Ancestors: Network-ar.76

Rewrite SocketStream>>upTo: and #upToAll: to fix a VBB (Very Bad Bug) which would cause it to go into an infinite loop if the remote closed the connection before the entity was found and also make the limit argument explicit since it can often be used more effectively (i.e., a 100k limit for reading an HTTP header is probably unnecessary).



Name: Network-ar.77
Ancestors: Network-ar.76

Rewrite SocketStream>>upTo: and #upToAll: to fix a VBB (Very Bad Bug) which would cause it to go into an infinite loop if the remote closed the connection before the entity was found and also make the limit argument explicit since it can often be used more effectively (i.e., a 100k limit for reading an HTTP header is probably unnecessary).



Name: NetworkTests-ar.16
Ancestors: NetworkTests-topa.15

Add tests for SocketStream #upTo: and #upToAll:.



Name: Morphic-ar.458
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.457

Replace the (non-functioning) printWorldOnFile menu item with a (working) 'make screenshot' variant that makes a screenshot and saves it under SqueakScreen.X.png.



Name: Sound-ul.20
Ancestors: Sound-ar.19

- FFT >> #transformForward: now uses FFTPlugin
- use #transformForward: instead of #pluginTransformData:
